Monday, October 26, 2015

October 26, 2015 4 MONTHS!!

Weird stuff. I've been out like 4 months now. Just realized that! That's a whole semester at school! 4 months feels a lot longer at home. Weird to think I only have 14 more left!
This week was a blur really. We began the week by visiting some less active members and we visited a woman who had giant Flemish rabbit babies. I flipped. For any of you who know me, you know that I have always wanted a Flemish giant rabbit to take on "hops". As soon as she told us she just got some, I almost screamed and said "CAN WE SEE THEM????". She laughed at me and then brought us over to the cage. I'm telling you people, THIS IS A BABY! THEY GET HUGE!! Made my whole week.
More time was spent in the woods this week and we found a car completely smashed by a tree. SICK. This place is weird.
We had District meeting and welcomed Sister Moody to the crew! Love that squirrel. Nobody is looking at the camera and I think its the funniest thing ever. Good times.
Got a sweet package from mom this week filled with Halloween stuff, yummy food, and these scarves that I actually use as turbans when I want my hair out of my face. Sister Thompson thinks its weird. Back off.
walking out of the apartment.
Walking back down to the apartment because sister Thompson forgot something.. AS USUAL. just kidding. she means well. These steps down to our basement apartment are killer though. Its a full on trek every day.
Sister Thompson got her first scarves from the alpaca house this week! So proud of her!! I got an upgraded scarf this week. Beautiful stuff.
Sorry about the uneventful week! Just a lot of talking to people and teaching and preaching and all that good stuff. Every day this church gets truer and truer and I know that I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I love this gospel and the happiness that it brings me that I get to share with everyone! If you've got even a little baby testimony, share that stuff. I read a scripture in Mosiah Chapter 15 this morning that perfectly backs up my point.
 7 Yea, even so he shall be led, crucified, and slain, the flesh becoming subject even unto death, the will of the Son being swallowed up in the will of the Father.
 8 And thus God breaketh the bands of death, having gained the victory over death; giving the Son power to make intercession for the children of men—
 9 Having ascended into heaven, having the bowels of mercy; being filled with compassion towards the children of men; standing betwixt them and justice; having broken the bands of death, taken upon himself their iniquity and their transgressions, having redeemed them, and satisfied the demands of justice.
 10 And now I say unto you, who shall declare his generation?
We have the most amazing and blessed opportunity to declare Jesus Christ's life and gospel to the world! That is cool stuff.
I love you all so much! Have a great week and be good!!
​Peace out.

Sister K-Dawg

October 19, 2015 Chili Con Carn

This week started off with a disgusting picture of Elder Merril and Tempest on the right. Gives me the willies. This is my new district though! Elders Riches, Daum, Thompson, Austin, Maghn, Hislup, Merril, and Tempest. And then Sisters Me, Thompson, Adams, and Ludvigson. I love these people! We actually have District P-days which are fun because we play glow in the dark Frisbee and volleyball. There's also food so that's a plus. I'm also a basketball all-star now after a lot of practice. Elder Merril played basketball in high school and asked if I played. I must have looked like I knew what I was doing. I don't even know what a 3 pointer is.. Next time you see me I'll be in the NBA so keep an eye out for that one.
Exchanges were this week with Sister Jackson and Moody! I love them! I went to Lake Stevens for the third time and I feel like I know everyone there now. Fun stuff. It was fun to be in a 3 pack! We probably looked like an army knocking on doors. An army of Helaman, that is.
This week's crock pot dinner was chili! It was delicious. Crock pots are literally a miracle. I love them. We just entered into our ward's chili cook-off on the 27th and as good as this chili was, it is not gonna cut it for this chili cook-off. I NEED RECIPES PEOPLE!! Send in your best chili recipe that will win us first prize and gain the respect and referrals from our ward! I'm joking. They respect us, but I do want referrals so I'm serious. We are gonna win this thing.
We went back to the Alpaca house!! We knocked on the door, and Roxy answered and asked to be baptized!! (Roxy the alpaca) WHAT A MIRACLE!!! We are so excited for her.
We got some good presents this week! The first of the two was some beanie babies from Sister Lyons. I love her. She brought out a huge box of them and let us pick which one we wanted.
I picked the one that looks like Charlie of course. Miss that little rat.
The second of the two was a necklace that was made of newspaper in Africa from Sister Curry. I ended up giving it to Peggy that night. She loves that kind of stuff. We had the most amazing experience with her last night. She gets really terrible pain that has made it hard for her to progress or do anything really so we asked if she would like a priesthood blessing. She accepted and we went over last night with Brother Corr and Brother Rushton. They gave her a blessing and the spirit was soooo strong in that room. She started to cry and she said "I have never felt this light before". She is always so sad when we visit her and I saw a whole new light in her last night. Brother Rushton said that as Brother Corr was giving the blessing, he could see Peggy dressed in all white working in the temple. I started to cry obviously at that point. I never knew how much I could love these people so much. I am so grateful to be a part of this glorious and wonderful work.

I will leave you with this weird quote that Sister Thompson and I can't figure out for the life of us but just take it for what it's worth.

"And as the shepard (shepherd thank you very much) looked up at the stars he asked what holds up the sky Gods or Pillars?"

 The answer is God. Easy.
I love you all! Have a spooky week! Share the gospel! Be smart! BYE!!
Sister Blister

Monday, October 12, 2015

October 12, 2015 Sister T and K Makin Our Way Through Arlington, USA!

Can you guess what kind of week I've had??? A GOOD ONE!!
This week was actually a little frustrating because we walked and walked and walked and walked all day and nobody was home and everyone cancelled their lessons with us. Super lame. But HEY!! Did you know that blessings don't come until after the trial of our faith?? Well we saw a lot of blessings from the Lord for our screaming in pain feet. We received some awesome referrals and people have been randomly coming to us out of nowhere. Its awesome. We have a full week of lessons this next week. I'm pumped for sure.
I am sorry for the lack of many pictures this week but Sister Thompson and I will work on that. This week will be a little about my adventures and relationship with my little flower, Sister Thompson.
As I said before, we walked A LOT this week. Walking a lot means talking a lot! Sister Thompson and I had many great convos and we pretty much know everything about each other now. We laugh because when it gets quiet, one of us will say "so, what have you been up to lately?" hahaha We literally spend every second with each other so it makes us die laughing.
We also have been dancing and planning some choreography before bed. We listen to the Saturday's Warriors CD on repeat and we know every word to every song on there now. Shout out to mom for hooking us up with some sweet beats.
We also gave talks this Sunday! Fun times being a missionary and not having any time to prepare one.. Still good though!
The other night we saw some kids selling stuff in the trailer park so I pulled over and we got out to see what was good. They were selling yarn and some weird crocheted things. They were just a dollar (what a steal) so I bought some from them and they all cheered. haha I'm assuming they weren't getting too many people who wanted yarn or a weird crocheted thing. We took them home at the end of the day and just kinda stared at them wondering what the heck we would do with them. Turns out, they make great cup holders! My camera has some cool sparkly effect on it so I put it on this pic to show you just how great these things really are.
Sister Thompson and I saw these moo-moos at Wal-Mart and we just kinda looked at each other and knew we had to get them. It was quite magical actually.
We took an obviously staged picture of what it  might look like during our down time before bed. Some nice chats with our crocheted cup holders and moo-moos. (And a lil bit of dancing)
We also try to cook! Its great! We made this crock pot Mexican chicken stuff and Mexican rice. (picture doesn't do it justice) It was actually really delicious! Look at us.. learning to be adults or something..
Just when we think we are master chefs, Sister Thompson fails at making microwave hot chocolate. Good times.
Well, I hope you all have an absolutely fantastic week! "What ere thou art, act well thy part!" Love that quote. Be good and do good my dear friends and family! I LOVE YOU!!
Sister K Baby

Monday, October 5, 2015

October 5, 2015 Witches and Wolves

Hello friends!! It has been a crazy week! I'll tell you why:
Great start to October this week! get ready for a story.
 We have a little section of our area that is out in the boonies that is full of houses super far apart. We decided to make a goal to tract it out! There is like zero information about this part of our area in our area book  so we planned to go knock doors on a few streets. The first street we chose was 160th. We found a few people who asked us to come back and then we got to the last house. Weird stuff always happens at the last house on the street. We had to walk down this long stretch of dirt road in the forest to get to it and it looked like it was abandoned or something. I thought, "maybe we shouldn't knock on this terrifying house?" but we did anyway. We knocked and then heard a small, old woman's voice saying "COME IN!". I was not about to just walk into this house. She came to the door and she was the cutest little old lady about 4 feet tall. We ended up talking to her for a while. She showed us a bunch of old pictures of her childhood and told us about her life. She was a talker, that's for sure. We told her we had to go and she grabbed my hand and said "let me read your palm, I'm very prophetic". She brought my hand to the light and told me about how I had a great love in my future and that I shouldn't try to please everyone else. She told me to be more courageous and to follow my heart. Quite surreal actually. When we were about to leave she closed her eyes for a second (probably casting a spell or something) and told us that we were protected. whaaaat??? As we walked away from the house, we were silent for a time and then after a while I broke the silence and said, "Sister Thompson, do you believe in ghosts?" hahaha We bursted out laughing and the next morning we talked about the situation a little more and decided that we met the nicest witch ever. Good times.
As we continued our journey in the woods, we were chased by two sets of dogs, and found a creepy old ice cream truck randomly molding away amidst the trees. Weird place I tell ya. I'm sure there will be more stories to come.
Here's the truck:
Sister Thompson and I had to get a good companionship photo so here we are in our heavenly glory. Pretty sure we knew each other in heaven.
I also got to see my MTC compie at zone conference earlier this week! I LOVE SISTER PACKER!!!!
Wasn't General Conference fantastic?? Our prophet and apostles lead and guide our church in righteousness and love. We had the blessing and opportunity to listen to their words and messages this past weekend. You can feel the power in their words as they speak. What they teach is true. We are so blessed to hear from them!
 I have never been closer to my Heavenly Father than while I have been here serving him 24/7. I love being a missionary. I love sharing the happy truths that bring us so much peace and joy through this life. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true! Isn't it great that you are a part of it? If you aren't, get on it! I love you all! Let your light so shine before men!
Love, Sister K