My goodness! I actually have some stuff to tell you this week! How exciting is that! So sorry my last emails have been comparable to bags of trash. This week will be better I promise.
This week we taught another new investigator of ours named Ken. He is a super nice older man whose wife died about a year ago. He absolutely loves his wife and talks about her all the time. We taught him the first lesson and he said he agrees with everything and that he just wants to follow whatever path God leads him to. We are excited about him! He also has a bunch of Rose bushes in his yard and asked if we wanted any. He said he had to clip them anyway because they were getting too big so we left that lesson with two of the biggest bouquets of roses I have ever seen. It was the cutest thing ever.
We have been finding a billion people to teach lately! I seriously love tracting. There really isn't even any kind of sarcasm in that. We meet so many cool/ looney people. You never know what's gonna be on the other side of the door and you can only guess by what the house looks like. ANYWAY, on our tracting adventures this week we ran into a super anti lady and her husband who had heard a buncha hubba bubba from some ex mormon friends of theirs and she was pullin the whole "well you girls are so sweet I think you should really learn more about what your church actually teaches and all that they hide from you" or the classic "you are brainwashed and you don't even know it" (not the exact words but pretty much that in a nicer way). That is probably the thing that ticks me off the most. I hate when people think we're just some sad puppies following the Mormon bandwagon. The conversation turned into something like this:
"well did you know about such n such?"
"what about such n such?"
"you bet"..
"okay but what about such n such"
What is great about these conversations is that the only way to end them is to bear your testimony. Nobody can disagree with that. I have received from God through his Holy Spirit that I know that the things I have taught for a year now are absolutely true and that they will always be absolutely true. I would be a complete loon to say otherwise with the many many experiences that God has blessed me with to prove it for myself. We left that house with even more excitement to share the message of the restoration and just two doors down we found Nona. Nona is a super nice woman that we got to share the restoration with and we are going back to teach her more tomorrow! I seriously love doing this every day.
Okay miracles on miracles this week! We are teaching a man named Jim that I think I've probably already mentioned but he is amazing! All week and last week we had been praying and pleading that Jim's health would get better because he has quite a hard time breathing and he has pain most of the time in his shoulder. Jim is also going to school online right now and says it takes up a lot of time in his day. We promised Jim that if he put reading his scriptures and praying first, that God would help him in his school work. Well the next lesson we had with him we started to talk to him and he just seemed a billion times happier! He told us about the crazy day and week he had had since the last time we taught him. He said he went to the doctor and his breathing had drastically improved and that when he went to physical therapy for his shoulder, it only took him 20 minutes because it was feeling so much better! I started to tear up a bit and then he told us that he started reading the Book of Mormon and praying before doing his school work. He said that the words for his essay seemed to write themselves and it didn't take as much effort and time as usual. He told us that he thinks that his prayers are being answered and he loves the Book of Mormon. he says that he feels he is a lot closer to God now. I love Jim! We got out of that lesson and just started to scream with joy. I love it when the people we teach see the joys and fruits of living the gospel and following Christ.
We also had an appointment to help a less active family split wood because I told them how much I liked doing it even though I've only ever done it one other time. They are super cool people but they weren't there when we showed up so we tried to do some for them and we totally failed. I'm blaming it on the dull axe and not the fact that I don't have any muscles.
Woah, Woah unto the speeder for he shall be thrust down to jail.
I totally forgot to show all of you the quilt that a woman on South Whidbey Island made for me before I left. She let me pick out a buncha fabric that she had and it was all the funniest stuff so I just kinda picked one of each and I love it hahaha She was the coolest. Now my bed has a pillow made by the Arlington Young Women, a blanket at the end made by a woman in the Arlington boonies and a nice quilt made by the sweetest older lady on Whidbey. Soon I'll be getting a tempur pedic mattress from someone here on Camano. I'll just wait.
Pretty Camano Island. I get to run along the water in the morning still because it's so close to our house. Probably even closer than it was on Whidbey. I LOVE IT!
So this 4th of July we don't have any cool plans just having dinner with the members and then in by 8:00! We will probably watch some fireworks from our balcony. hopefully we will be able to see some. This morning our ward had a 5k and pancake breakfast! I was so excited to do the 5k this morning. I miss running a lot. As soon as I get home you'll see me roamin the streets of AZ again. Say Hi or honk. The breakfast was fun though and I just love this ward. Everyone loves us too its almost hilarious. We are like celebrities here its great!
Last but not least, we got our new Mission President this week! I only have one thing to say because we only got to meet with him and his wife for a quick meeting but I LOVE THEM!! They are the sweetest people ever and they are just so excited to be here. I'm really excited to work with them!
Well Family and friends, this was a super long one so I will be very surprised if you've made it this far but I love ya! I pray for ya! and I hope you have a great 4th of July!
Sister KrummenAmerica