Monday, September 26, 2016

September 26, 2016 "Still a Missionary"

Hey guys!
 So I have to apologize but seriously there is like nothing to report this week.. I got a few pics which I'll talk about those but other than that I've just been teaching people and chillin' with Sister Moody. We have a bunch of people to teach now which is awesome because we were so lost when we got here but I am lovin' life. 
The week started off great when I accidentally locked the keys (car and house) in the house. We carpooled to District meeting and then came home and waited for the housing coordinator to save us. Sister Moody's got some sweet effects on her camera that we messed with to pass the time away.
This is a depiction of Moses turning the waters into blood. 
I call these: "Can't wait for the resurrection cuz we ugly" 
FERRET YO. I always seem to find the members that have the coolest animals. They also had two guinea pigs and a tortoise. They're thinking about getting a Hedgehog lol.
Cuzzin Buzzin. Got to catch my good cuz, Elder Wolfey at a fireside in Mount Vernon last night. Still weird seeing people I know from home.. Washington Everett Mission 4 ever and Everett.
I LOVE FIRESIDES. I got to see all of my favorite missionaries and got to take a gr8 generations pic. My trainee and mother, Sister Johnson, My babies, Sister Thompson and Nelson, and my newest Granddaughter Sister Tomkinson! It was probably the last time I will see Sister Johnson on her mission. She goes home in two weeks! ITS CRAZY!!!! Im so so sad about everything lately but its okay Im still a missionary so It's fine.
 Sister Moody+Thompson+Krummenacher=Arlington Zone 2k15
Throwback to those cold, rainy, Arlington days..
I also got to see a bunch of Arlington people when we went to the Women's General Conference. I am so obsessed with everyone. All my favorite women from Arlington, Camano, and Stanwood wards all in one building! I LOVE ARLINGTON STAKE!! I hope I die here. The running joke is that once you are in Arlington stake, YOU NEVER LEAVE. This is so true. It's kinda funny too because Arlington stake is probably the most rural stake in the mission so nobody really wants to be here haha. I love it though. I got to see Shayla and Annaliese. I LOVE THEM.
Sorry this email was lame but I am starting to just give up. HELP. 
Well, I LOVE YOU ALL!! I love my mission so so much. I know that God lives, that Jesus Christ is my savior and I know that this is his church. I feel him guiding me to people who need to hear that every single day. I feel so blessed to be able to do it for 18 months. Have a great week!
Sister Krummenmoses

Monday, September 19, 2016

September 19, 2016 "Peace, Love, Baptisms"

Hey guys!! What a good week! I love this whole being a missionary thing. We had Zone Conference earlier this week and it always gets me pumped to go out and work super hard. I love my zone. Back in Arlington Zone. I think I will forever be in Arlington Zone. After this Transfer I will have spent more than half my mission here. Good thing I like these people.
After Zone Meeting some of us went to my birthplace, Arlington, for lunch. There's a restaurant called "Chinese and Pizza" that I never tried because it sounded awful (still does). But it was actually pretty good. I was impressed. Hangin with our fav Elder Hislop. He's hilarious.

This week was exciting for the letter J! Jennifer, Jay, and Jaiya got baptized on Saturday!! We are so excited for them!! They are the cutest family ever. I LOVE THEM!!
I also got to see a bunch of other missionaries I love at the baptism so that was a blast. 
President and Sister Wilding came with their son, Kolby and a bunch of other sisters. I LOVE MY MISSION. 

To end the crazy week Sista Moody Booty and I went out on the town. 
 We gonna help you curb stomp yo sins.
My week was complete when I found this rice bag dress at the thrift store we volunteer at. I had to get it. I looked real "rice" at church on Sunday. Naughty or Rice? I choose rice every time.

Love you guys!! I've been reading "Power of the Everyday Missionary" lately and I want you all to go read it and find ways to share the gospel with everyone around you. I know it is true and I know it will bless everyone and it will bless YOU! You will be so happy I promise. Have a great week! LOVE YOU BYE!!!
Sista Ricenacher

From Rebecca's email to her parents:
​" I'm so happy. We were trying to find a new investigator yesterday to meet the goals we set and we only had about 15 minutes left of proselyting so we pulled up to an apartment complex and I said "lets go find ourselves an investigator real quick". Sister Moody laughed and said "real quick?" then we just laughed, said a prayer and felt prompted to knock on the top floor of one of the 3 apartment buildings. The first door that answered was a guy named Greg who moved to Washington right after Hurricane Katrina and was in the floods and everything. We shared a bit of our message with him and he wanted us to come back and share it with him and his family! I love it when that happens. It feels surreal to be guided so directly by the spirit all the time. I love it."

Monday, September 12, 2016

September 12, 2016 "Freakin Carrot"

Zone Conference was this week! I love Zon Con. I get to see all my favorite missionaries. A bunch of new Elders came in this last transfer and one of them in my district is Elder Redd. He is Nate's age and he reminds me a lot of him actually. It's fun. He also looks like a mini version of the other Elder Redd. I think it's hilarious. We had to take a pic.
Found this monster carrot amongst all the other baby carrots. #blessed #miracles #Iknowmyfatherlivesandlovesmetoo
Sister Moody and I are killin it here in Stanwood. We are finding so many people to teach! Wooo! We have a baptism for a family we have been teaching on Saturday. Many pics next week! 
This whole email is pretty much going to be just stupid pics Sister Moody and I took. Im sorry. I'm just a missionary and we do the same stuff all the time. Pray, eat, teach, pray, eat, teach, pray, eat teach. It's the best.
I call this one "Circa 2007-Myspace"
One of the people we are teaching fed us chicken and waffles with her homemade butter pecan sauce. I LOVE HER. She is the funniest woman in the world.  I call this one "Love on a plate"
​We have exciting news!!! Sister Moody and I had our first bunny!
​We are so proud to announce our perfect little family is complete. SO much love.

Sister K saved the day and killed this DISGUSTING ANIMAL that was hovering over my BED. The adversary is just too good sometimes. 
This week we started lookin around town for some volunteer opportunities here in Stanhood. We heard about the local Lutheran church getting together with a bunch of churches around here to feed dinner to the homeless or anyone in need every Thursday night. We thought we would check it out and see if we could help. We got there and everyone was so nice. There were a lot of different people of different faiths there. One of the ladies in the Lutheran church was hilarious. She saw us and screamed "WE HAVE GIRLS NOW??!!" She brought us around to everyone there and kept telling everyone how cool it was that there are girl missionaries in Stanwood now. We helped with cleaning up and things and then she asked if we would like to see the sanctuary. This Lutheran church has been in Stanwood for a while and it has beautiful stained glass everywhere. We were so excited. She gave us a tour and it was so funny because she would be like "here, take a seat here". Or "here, take a bible and a hymnal" or "here, take a registration sheet". haha it was hilarious. Good people. I love it here.
We also started volunteering at the local thrift store down the street and we found some real treasures. 
1. "Peace, Love, Penguins." (Don't push me, cuz I am close to da edge..)
2. "Fancy Nancy"
3. "Camp Rock Wannabes"
4. "Hillary 4 President 2k16"
Found this car sticker the other day. #DieHardDisciples
​Well. That's all folks! I am seriously in love with my mission. Every day is a blast. I am so so happy because all I get to do right now is share the gospel with everything that breathes. Love you all!
Your Die Hard Disciple

Monday, September 5, 2016

September 5, 2016 "Cell Block 8"

So much has happened this week oh man! It's been NUTS! So I got transferred outta Camano Island ward and like I guessed would happen, I got bumped to the Stanwood ward which makes me happy because we share a building with Camano and I get to see all my favorite people still. A bunch of my favorite girls from Camano came to say bye to me. Man I love that ward. My heart still hurts. Just look at them. 
 On another big note, Heavenly Father loves me because my new compie is SISTER MOODY! I love her so much. She came out with Sister Thompson and we were in the same district there. She's one of my main mission homies for sure. We almost cried at transfers. We are gonna kill it in the StanHOOD.
So let me tell ya.. I've got like 5600000 pictures this week I'm so sorry. I want to make sure you get the full effect of Stanhood. It really feels like the hood. We pulled up to our new home and we just started busting up laughing. It looks like we live in a motel.  We call our apartment Cell block 8.
We call our apartment Cell Block 8 because we look out the window and it looks like we live in a prison or something. Look at this.
Mug Shots:

 Our new apartment is one of the smallest in the mission and we barely fit all our stuff in it. We laughed so hard when we walked in and saw that there were two TV dinner stands for us to eat on. haha It's pretty cute and cozy though. It's a real good thing I like Sister Moody.
​There are definitely some remnants of Elders in this place. We had to completely rearrange the kitchen because this was just one example of the drawer situation. One whole drawer dedicated to these precious safety goggles. The other drawers and cupboards were stuffed with Tupperware and random dishes. 
We found a suit in the closet and I kid you not, not a minute passed by before two sweet Elders showed up at the door and shared a wonderful message with us! We had to invite them back to learn more!
We also found this sweet ride. Mustang? I think you meant MustDANG! "check ur speed"
We've been updating everything in this area and trying to organize the heck out of it. We can get so much more done when we get organized so we made this map this week. Here's our beautiful Stanwood!
This is Emily! She is so cute. She was recently baptized and she is going to start preparing for her mission! I love her. I think one of my favorite parts of being a missionary is that I get to tell all the young women how amazing a mission is and take them out to teach with us. If you are wondering about serving a mission, just do it. It will be the greatest thing that will ever happen to you I promise!
Sister Moody and I just got back from goin sight seeing and a bunch of people have told us that we need to go to a place called English Boom. We get there today and it was pretty much just a mud beach. we were a little disappointed but there were a thousand little baby crabs everywhere so that was cool!
I got to the Mission office at transfers and I heard that all the new missionaries were just taking naps around the building while they were waiting for an interview with president so I scoped cousin Bryce out and just woke him up from his nap. haha it was funny. All the new missionaries looked so done. that's how i felt when I got here. They had been traveling since like 2 in the morning. Crazy day. We just talked for a while and he seemed good. I had to go find my new companion and stuff so we didn't get to talk much. He isn't in my zone but tomorrow we have a zone conference with Marysville zone so if he's there I will make sure we get a pic. I have no clue where he got put or who is trainer is but I would love to find out. Let me know if you see an email about it or something.

Sister Moody and I had a long pillow talk last night and we both were just talking about how amazing the gospel really is and how happy we are that we decided to serve missions. Every single bit of it is just perfect. I love it so much. We started getting a little emotional talking about how we both decided to serve missions and I know for a fact that Heavenly Father wanted me out here to completely know without any shadow of a doubt that this gospel is true. I cannot imagine raising children without having served my mission. We talked about how we think about our future kids a lot and it makes me almost cry thinking that I will now be able to raise them how God would have me raise them and that I now have the knowledge of the gospel that I need desperately to raise them in this scary world. I love my mission so much. I would do this forever if I could. I also want a family though so that's probably better.

​Other than all that craziness, we have been trying to find some people to teach! I feel like it's Camano Island all over again! Starting from ground zero and moving up! I am super excited! Pray that we find the people that are out here just waiting for us to knock on their door! I love you all! Have a great week!! happy Labor Day!!
Inmate #24601