Hey guys!
So I have to apologize but seriously there is like nothing to report this week.. I got a few pics which I'll talk about those but other than that I've just been teaching people and chillin' with Sister Moody. We have a bunch of people to teach now which is awesome because we were so lost when we got here but I am lovin' life.
The week started off great when I accidentally locked the keys (car and house) in the house. We carpooled to District meeting and then came home and waited for the housing coordinator to save us. Sister Moody's got some sweet effects on her camera that we messed with to pass the time away.
This is a depiction of Moses turning the waters into blood.
I call these: "Can't wait for the resurrection cuz we ugly"
FERRET YO. I always seem to find the members that have the coolest animals. They also had two guinea pigs and a tortoise. They're thinking about getting a Hedgehog lol.
Cuzzin Buzzin. Got to catch my good cuz, Elder Wolfey at a fireside in Mount Vernon last night. Still weird seeing people I know from home.. Washington Everett Mission 4 ever and Everett.
Arlington Zone 2k15
I LOVE FIRESIDES. I got to see all of my favorite missionaries and got to take a gr8 generations pic. My trainee and mother, Sister Johnson, My babies, Sister Thompson and Nelson, and my newest Granddaughter Sister Tomkinson! It was probably the last time I will see Sister Johnson on her mission. She goes home in two weeks! ITS CRAZY!!!! Im so so sad about everything lately but its okay Im still a missionary so It's fine.
Sister Moody+Thompson+Krummenacher=
Throwback to those cold, rainy, Arlington days..
I also got to see a bunch of Arlington people when we went to the Women's General Conference. I am so obsessed with everyone. All my favorite women from Arlington, Camano, and Stanwood wards all in one building! I LOVE ARLINGTON STAKE!! I hope I die here. The running joke is that once you are in Arlington stake, YOU NEVER LEAVE. This is so true. It's kinda funny too because Arlington stake is probably the most rural stake in the mission so nobody really wants to be here haha. I love it though. I got to see Shayla and Annaliese. I LOVE THEM.
Sorry this email was lame but I am starting to just give up. HELP.
Well, I LOVE YOU ALL!! I love my mission so so much. I know that God lives, that Jesus Christ is my savior and I know that this is his church. I feel him guiding me to people who need to hear that every single day. I feel so blessed to be able to do it for 18 months. Have a great week!
Sister Krummenmoses