Monday, November 30, 2015

November 30, 2015 THANX

Hey babes! So, this week started when we went to "Sistrict" meeting and we tried to take a picture together and I laughed so hard because the picture ended up having everyone in it but me. hahaha it still makes me laugh.
We obviously took another one because no picture is complete without Sister K baby. Favorite part of this picture is Elder Daum's hip pop. Lookin good.
Elder Thompson brought a selfie stick so I set my timer on my camera to capture our lameness.
I'm the worst missionary ever and didn't get any pictures of actual Thanksgiving so please forgive me of my shortcomings. But hey, It was a good Thanksgiving! We had half a Pday on Monday and then the rest of it was on Thanksgiving so we had some shopping and stuff to do but it was fun because we went and got ourselves a Christmas tree! We ate dinner with the Wells family who made the biggest Thanksgiving feast I had ever seen. I found out that I love cheese and crackers. They had this fancy goat cheese and cranberry stuff and I haven't stopped thinking about it ever since. ANYWAY, after dinner Sister Moody and Ludvigson came over and we made little baby stockings and went NUTS. The sisters brought the Martinellis and we turned up to some Josh Groban Christmas album. Thanksgiving 2k15 yall. Never forget.
Here's our house now!! Mom hooked us up with the cutest stockings ever, a bunch of lights, a nativity, and a cute banner. We are so happy every morning when we walk into our living room. yay. I love Christmas.
Next part of my email is about how big of a baby I am. IM FREEZING. I try everything to be warm but I fail every time. I don't think my Arizona body will ever adjust. It got into the 20s this week and that's not okay. I think the coldest it got was 23 degrees. Pray for me.
Luckily alpaca house lady saves the day once again with some warm winter hats! She literally doesn't let us leave without taking something. I love her.
Favorite drink right now: PERO. AHHHHHH We are obsessed. Get it or regret it.
Although I'm freezing, this cold stuff is actually really pretty. We are running low on our miles for the month so the other day we walked all day in the cold but let me tell you, that night we walked to all of our appointments and we sang Christmas songs all the way! It made the fact that I was freezing cold bearable. I love Sister Thompson and I am so glad that she likes to sing with me.
Speaking of Sister Thompson singing with me, we sang "The First Noel" in church yesterday! AND, A family we have been teaching for a while finally came to church!!!! AHHHH!!!! I was smiling all day. Man I love it here.
Funny story: The day after Thanksgiving Sister Thompson and I went to go visit a lady in our ward She is a short, cute little Asian woman. she is hilarious. almost too hilarious. We shared our message with her and then she asked us if we wanted some pie before we left. we said sure and she then started cutting three fat pieces of pie for each of us and Sister Thompson and I were already about to start to laugh and then she goes to the fridge and pulls out a big tub of cool whip. She then puts a HUGE pile of it on top of the pies and then GOES BACK FOR ANOTHER HUGE GLOB. hahahaha I lost it and Sister Thompson was nudging me top calm down before she saw. I couldn't handle it. haha I finally got my act together and she luckily didn't see my outburst but man we were full after that. If you ever wonder why missionaries get fat, look no further than this story.
okay I gotta go but I love you all and I hope you Thanksgiving was awesome!!! BYEEEE!!!!
love, SISTER K

November 23, 2015 Farmer in the Dell

Hola amigos! This is your good friend Hermana Krummenacher who is now fluent in Espanol!
This week we went on exchanges with Hermanas Jensen and Pirir. I went with Hermana Pirir to the Spanish area in Burlington which was pretty weird to be honest. I just kinda sat in lessons and had no clue what was going on but whatevs. I felt the spirit I guess. Hermana Pirir also had me say a prayer in Spanish at one of the lessons. It was a lot of fun! Lets hope it made sense.. I don't know if I would want to be a Spanish missionary here though because they never get dinners and they don't have like any members to help out with things. Hispanic people are a lot more friendly though so that's a plus.

During exchanges it was a crazy stormy day and I wondered how Arlington was taking it because the last time it was super windy and stormy, all the trees were in the streets and it was nuts. We got back to Arlington that night and, sure enough, the whole place looked like a straight apocalypse was happening. Sister Thompson told me that while they were trying to get to one of our lessons, a huge tree had fallen across the only road in and out of where the house was. She said that trees were on fire and when we got home, the power was out. We put our refrigerated food outside our door to keep it cold and the next morning we woke up to snow. haha It wasn't really snow though.. I guess it was just hail or something but still. it looked like snow to me. What do I know about snow though?
This week we tried to see the Alpaca farm people again. Still not home but.....
Remember Roxy? She was so excited to see us again and can't wait for her baptism! She even gave us a referral!
Rivers is Roxy's "neigh"bor. She referred us to him and he was quite surprised to see us at his door that morning.
We shared a message with him and he too accepted the invitation for baptism. Very exciting.
We taught Brother Carter again this week who is my favorite because we read the Book of Mormon with him and he makes us and himself laugh so hard over the dumbest things. He doesn't like how there are weird words in there and we came across the word "methought". He paused after reading it and just looked up and said "Methought I thaw a puddy cat!" haha Good ole Brother Carter. He is learning to love the Book of Mormon though and we are excited about that.

We also have been teaching an older woman named Renee. She is so so sweet and is really soaking in the gospel like crazy! When we started teaching her, she was a little stand-offish and now after she has been reading her scriptures and praying and following through on the commitments we leave her, she has grown so much. We invited her to baptism and she said yes! Sadly, she will be out of town next week but she promised to read her scriptures and pray every night while she is gone. We are excited about her.

As of right now we have about 10 investigators. 4 of them are on date for baptism but I just really wish people could understand that they cannot receive the blessings and answers of the gospel without working for them. I hope you all understand the importance of reading your scriptures, saying your prayers, and being a disciple of Jesus Christ at all times. Those things that you hear people to tell you to do are so so essential to your faith and testimony. Yesterday at church the lesson in relief society was about the talk that President Uchtdorf (not sure if that's spelled correctly) gave about simplicity in the gospel. The woman giving the lesson said that often times we have these big trials and burdens that we expect a big solution to. the solution in whatever problem we have is always to pray and study. I love how simple our gospel really is. It has given me the greatest road map in my life and I love giving this map to others. It will help them navigate through every bump in the road. Maybe even help them know how to get around a tree in the middle of the street :)

I hope you are all feeling very grateful this time of year. I sure am! I love the gospel, I love my Father in Heaven, and I love you! Have a great Thanksgiving!!

Love, Sister K

November 16, 2015 Big Leaf

Hello my sweet family and friends! I want to thank you for actually reading my emails. I'm actually shocked that anyone does.. Thanks anyway! Sadly, we did not get a chance to take any District 12 pictures of this place even though it seriously feels like I am Katniss Everdeen sharing the good word with everyone and piercing souls with my bow of truth and righteousness over here. Some day I'll get a good pic to send you.
Last Monday Sister Moody, Ludvigson, Thompson and I went thrift shopping and then ate lunch at this super old bowling alley. Sister Moody likes taking pictures of me so here's one she got at the Bowling alley. High quality for sure.

Made a FAT batch of Caramel corn for some of our peeps this week and now everyone loves us. Ra Ra Rasputin.
Sister Moody is obsessed with me obviously so she had me model for her on Wednesday as well when we had a ton of extra time to just do whatever during interviews with President Bonham. I look fab.
Interviews went well as you can see.
Washington is nasty because these UGLY little beasts are everywhere. Pray that I get home in one piece.
My companion with a big leaf.
Not much happened this week actually.. haha not sure if you couldn't tell by the pics. This week I have really seen how much our faith in Jesus Christ is so crucial in our eternal happiness. With all of the crazy things that are going on in the world, it is easy to be scared and to worry constantly but I have seen how much my testimony of Christ has brought peace to my soul time and time again. Lately, we have heard recent news about the terrorist attacks in Paris, of earthquakes and crazy storms and so many other terrible things that are happening in our world. That's pretty scary stuff if you ask me! We have shared this scripture with many people this week and I want to share it with all of you people that I love so much:

 Alma 34:17-27
17 Therefore may God grant unto you, my brethren, that ye may begin to exercise your faith unto repentance, that ye begin to call upon his holy name, that he would have mercy upon you;
 18 Yea, cry unto him for mercy; for he is mighty to save.
 19 Yea, humble yourselves, and continue in prayer unto him.
 20 Cry unto him when ye are in your fields, yea, over all your flocks.
 21 Cry unto him in your houses, yea, over all your household, both morning, mid-day, and evening.
 22 Yea, cry unto him against the power of your enemies.
 23 Yea, cry unto him against the devil, who is an enemy to all righteousness.
 24 Cry unto him over the crops of your fields, that ye may prosper in them.
 25 Cry over the flocks of your fields, that they may increase.
 26 But this is not all; ye must pour out your souls in your closets, and your secret places, and in your wilderness.
 27 Yea, and when you do not cry unto the Lord, let your hearts be full, drawn out in prayer unto him continually for your welfare, and also for the welfare of those who are around you.
Our faith is so crucial. Remember our Heavenly Father who loves his children so much. Turn to him in every thought and moment. We are promised so much happiness that we cant imagine which makes the scary things not so scary anymore.
I love you all! I hope you have a wonderful week and that you are happy!

Sister Krummenacher

November 9, 2015 Secret Admirer

What a normal week!
Not much happened this week but every week is great when you are serving the Lord! I want to start out my email with a question:  WHO SENT ME THIS BUNNY??
The zone leaders told me they had some packages for me on Friday while we were at the food bank. I was pumped because I love packages obviously but I got TWO packages which was even more awesome! One of them was an amazon prime package without a return address or anything and inside was the softest bunny in the whole universe. I LOVE IT! My only question is WHO THE HEY SENT ME A RANDOM BUNNY?? I LOVE YOU.
We are bffs now:
Now I know you are all probably wondering what the other package was. Let me tell you. It was the sweetest package from my favorite Beecher family!! They sent us some sweet little Nerf guns and sister Thompson and I are actually insane with them. We will point them at each other, fully loaded (these things pack a punch), during our studies and it is actually the most terrifying thing ever. Luckily nobody has gotten hurt yet but its only a matter of time.. We have target practice on my bunny.
It starts getting dark at like 4:00 now and I really don't like it. We knocked on a less active lady's door the other night at 7 something and she opened her door and through the crack she said "Its a little late for you to be knocking on my door". I was just like.."what time is it??" she said it was 7 and we apologized and got in the car and just busted up laughing/crying. good times.
This week's "Second Coming Cloud":
Random ugly pic of us helping a lady print T-shirts.
One last thought. Sister Thompson and I realized that this place is literally district 12 from Hunger Games. I will send pics next week.

Here's my spiritual thought for the week with an accompanying picture. It is Moroni's promise. Ever heard of it? Well if you have not tried it out, DO IT! Read the Book of Mormon! It is the best book on earth!

3 Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts. 4 And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
 5 And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.
Have a totally rad week yall!

Sister Becks

A few extra pictures:

November 2, 2015 10,000 Fun Sizes Later

Hello again!
I hope you all had a very happy Halloween! Mine was quite uneventful but still good. What did I do this week? Last Monday was Elder Hislup's Birthday so we went to 5 Guys to celebrate with him as a district. Good food. Good fun. Probably the most terrifying scene for people walking in the restaurant though. MISSIONARY OVERLOAD. Love these guys. This was just the beginning of my week of terrible eating though.. Blame it on Halloween.
The sisters of Arlington are in love! This was taken after our District meeting where we all devoured a whole bag of skittles provided by sweet little Sister Moody. I seriously love these ladies so much!
This week's animal: Exorcist Puppy. (see below)
A sweet family we are teaching has these adorable puppies and she trusted us enough to hold them. I died. Sister Thompson is almost as precious as the puppy she's holding! LOL!

​The moment you've all been waiting for: HALLOWEEN.
We started our Halloween festivities with our ward's Halloween party/Chili cook-off! Sister Thompson and I made the best chili in the world but we are pretty sure the whole thing was rigged because we didn't even get second or third place. Super lame. We talked to the woman who won 1st place after the party (who is probably  one of my favorite most hilarious lady's in the ward) and she said that all she did was put some meat, onions and MANWHICH SAUCE in a crockpot. What a joke. On the bright side, a TON of less active members and non members showed up and we received a bunch of referrals from our members! We are excited!
Halloween day: To be quite honest with you, holidays stink when you're on a mission. Can't say I'm not too surprised though. We had to be in our apartment by 5:00pm. probably not too productive to be knocking on doors that night though :) What was great was that it was daylight savings and we got an extra hour of sleep that night! Happy Halloween to us! Daylight savings is so weird.. I like Arizona's time better. The Lambourn's fed us dinner that night which was so so sweet and nice. I love that family! She made us these really cute coffin brownies and then we had to dash off to get home by 5. We just weekly planned all night and cracked a few jokes. We also ate a lot of food. What's new?

Sister Lambourn also bought a cute foam haunted house for us to assemble. I had fun. Sister Thompson took a nap.
WE CUT OUR HAIR!!!!! cute right??
JUST KIDDING!!! we didn't actually cut our hair!! We totally got you all so good!!
End of transfer one with Sister Thompson! That means a new planner! I like to decorate my planners and this time I went all out. I cut out some pics of the family and friends and Charlie of course. I had a fun time. Everyone is way jealous.
Last picture is from our district goodbye breakfast this morning! This is the best pic we got! haha. We said goodbye to Elder Tempest, Merril, and Maughn. Pretty sad actually.. I love those guys. I'm excited for whoever is coming in though!
I loved seeing all of the pictures from Halloween that you all have sent me! Thank you so much! I love them! I hope you all have a great week! Share the gospel with everything that breathes! It will make you so so happy! LOVE YOU!!!! BYE!!
$ister K-Money