Monday, November 30, 2015

November 2, 2015 10,000 Fun Sizes Later

Hello again!
I hope you all had a very happy Halloween! Mine was quite uneventful but still good. What did I do this week? Last Monday was Elder Hislup's Birthday so we went to 5 Guys to celebrate with him as a district. Good food. Good fun. Probably the most terrifying scene for people walking in the restaurant though. MISSIONARY OVERLOAD. Love these guys. This was just the beginning of my week of terrible eating though.. Blame it on Halloween.
The sisters of Arlington are in love! This was taken after our District meeting where we all devoured a whole bag of skittles provided by sweet little Sister Moody. I seriously love these ladies so much!
This week's animal: Exorcist Puppy. (see below)
A sweet family we are teaching has these adorable puppies and she trusted us enough to hold them. I died. Sister Thompson is almost as precious as the puppy she's holding! LOL!

​The moment you've all been waiting for: HALLOWEEN.
We started our Halloween festivities with our ward's Halloween party/Chili cook-off! Sister Thompson and I made the best chili in the world but we are pretty sure the whole thing was rigged because we didn't even get second or third place. Super lame. We talked to the woman who won 1st place after the party (who is probably  one of my favorite most hilarious lady's in the ward) and she said that all she did was put some meat, onions and MANWHICH SAUCE in a crockpot. What a joke. On the bright side, a TON of less active members and non members showed up and we received a bunch of referrals from our members! We are excited!
Halloween day: To be quite honest with you, holidays stink when you're on a mission. Can't say I'm not too surprised though. We had to be in our apartment by 5:00pm. probably not too productive to be knocking on doors that night though :) What was great was that it was daylight savings and we got an extra hour of sleep that night! Happy Halloween to us! Daylight savings is so weird.. I like Arizona's time better. The Lambourn's fed us dinner that night which was so so sweet and nice. I love that family! She made us these really cute coffin brownies and then we had to dash off to get home by 5. We just weekly planned all night and cracked a few jokes. We also ate a lot of food. What's new?

Sister Lambourn also bought a cute foam haunted house for us to assemble. I had fun. Sister Thompson took a nap.
WE CUT OUR HAIR!!!!! cute right??
JUST KIDDING!!! we didn't actually cut our hair!! We totally got you all so good!!
End of transfer one with Sister Thompson! That means a new planner! I like to decorate my planners and this time I went all out. I cut out some pics of the family and friends and Charlie of course. I had a fun time. Everyone is way jealous.
Last picture is from our district goodbye breakfast this morning! This is the best pic we got! haha. We said goodbye to Elder Tempest, Merril, and Maughn. Pretty sad actually.. I love those guys. I'm excited for whoever is coming in though!
I loved seeing all of the pictures from Halloween that you all have sent me! Thank you so much! I love them! I hope you all have a great week! Share the gospel with everything that breathes! It will make you so so happy! LOVE YOU!!!! BYE!!
$ister K-Money

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