Monday, December 7, 2015

December 7, 2015 365=1 Year!

Do you want to know something crazy? I have completed 1/3rd of my mission! ahhh!! 1 year left!! Time is flyin by! I'm not sure if I like it. 
Get ready for a picture OVERLOAD. 
This week is has been kind of sad because I will most likely be leaving Arlington next week so I am taking pictures with as many people as I can! I am actually really sad about it but maybe President will have some sympathy for me and let me stay for Christmas!
We started helping out at the Arlington Genealogy library and we feel like old timey WWII girls in this pic. We go through olf film of newspaper articles from the early 1900's which is really cool. I have become super excited to do family history work when I get home now. I love this stuff! Sister Moody, Thomson, and I think we are funny with the magnifying glass too. We are funny though so jokes on you.
This is the Payne family! They live two doors down from us and Sister Payne gives us delicious treats even though our Dinner calendar says "NO DESSERTS PLEASE!" She says she does it just because it says that. haha I love them.
This is the Larson family! They are the sweetest family ever. They train horses and win a lot of medals for it. yeehaw! They also have these monster dogs that I am in love with. They straight up sit on the couch like humans.
HERE IS SISTER BRILL!! this is the saint who gives us scarves and stuff all the time! I love her so much. This week she gave us Christmas cards, boots, her watch off of her own wrist, and a bracelet. I know it sounds like I am stealing from her but I swear I'm not! She loves us so much and wont let us leave without them!
I summoned my inner Miley Cyrus this week (when she was also Hannah Montana and she like horses and stuff) and I got up close and personal with the alpacas! The woman who owns the alpacas is Sister Brill's daughter who is not a member but we asked if we could help her around the farm and she said sure! I got to brush Rivers and get him all nice and handsome for his baptism!
Roxy gave me a goodbye kiss!
I had the job of putting Roxy in a choke hold to clip her toenails. I was covered in poop. It was awesome.
This is Sister Jones!!! I LOVE HERRR!!!! there is nothing more to be said.
This is the Moss family!! I got to teach the two kids the law of Chastity for one of my first times. It was awesome. They are super musical and we bond over it. I seriously am going to miss these people so much!!
Our ward Christmas party was on Saturday so we had to get a picture with Santa Clause! Notice how we did not sit on his lap. You could get sent home for that kind of mischief.
Brother Schilaty is my fav. He is always helping us with lessons and stuff. The theme of the party was Polar Express so he was the conductor and we all laughed at his outfit. He's one of the funniest guy's I've ever met.
​I seriously love it so much here and I never want to leave Arlington. Pray for me to stay please!!! I love you all so much! Write me! I love letters and I need them okay BYE!!!! HAVE A GREAT WEEK!!
Love, Sister K baby

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