Hey ya'll! Its been another week! Can you believe it! I sure can't! Weeks go by so fast out here its crazy. This letter is going to be all over the place and super random so please bare with me.
This week started with a District meeting where we said goodbye to Elder Otten, (Elder on left, we were at the MTC together) who got a sneak attack transfer so we had to take a bye bye pic. Love these people.
Our recent convert, Tracy, has this boxer named Chica that is in love with me. The dog in the background wants everyone dead. He growls the whole time we are there. It's actually so funny to me. Good ol' Lola.
This week we did a whole lot of tracting. I think that's mainly what we do on this Island. Not much else to do. This week we met some new friends:
You are looking into the eyes of the DEVIL. I'm serious though. We went down this long driveway to a house and this monster of a turkey came out of the gates of hell to ruin our day and try to drive us out of there but we came out conquerors because Jesus always wins. Until next time Turkey, until next time.
Guess who's back, back again? Alpaca's back, tell a friend. Ain't gon mess with me and mah crew.
Now for this week's episode of: Slug, or Dog Poop?
What do you think folks? Send in your guesses for a chance to win a lifetime supply of Books of Mormon! (Crowd goes wild)
Okay I'm so sorry that was not very lady like but I see slugs and dog poop everywhere so its definitely something I think about daily. Either way we stay clear of both of them.
Okay I'm so sorry that was not very lady like but I see slugs and dog poop everywhere so its definitely something I think about daily. Either way we stay clear of both of them.
This morning we had Breakfast and Bowling with most of the district. The other Sisters were going to the Temple! Woo! Still excited about that. We met our new District Leader, Elder Wood (Elder on left). I was the biggest loser. I'm blaming it on the fact that I haven't bowled for 11 months. Not like I have ever been good at bowling though.
So here's some super exciting news I just found out! RODGER IS GETTING BAPTIZED ON JUNE 4th! That is the day before my Birthday and I can go to the baptism because it is within 6 weeks of leaving Mount Vernon! I AM SO HAPPY I CANT STAND IT!! This is one investigator that Sister Nelson and I found on our own and taught from the beginning and I actually get to go to his baptism. Nothing could be better!
I am feeling the missionary spirit more than ever in my life now that my baby brother, Nate left for his mission to Spain this morning! I know that the choice to serve a mission was the best choice I could have ever made. Nate will be an amazing missionary. There are people all over the world that are searching for what we have and it has been the most rewarding, tiring, stressful, amazing experience to be the Lord's messenger and servant and share it with his children. I'm going to be the typical sister missionary right now and challenge you all to go make some new friends, be kind and serve those around you. I promise you that they will want to know what makes you different and so happy. My heart is so full of gratitude and joy today seeing Nate go off for two years. I love this gospel. I know it's true, and I love my Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ. I love you all and I hope you have a great week!
Sista K