Monday, May 30, 2016

May 30, 2016 "Heya Playas"

Hey ya'll! Its been another week! Can you believe it! I sure can't! Weeks go by so fast out here its crazy. This letter is going to be all over the place and super random so please bare with me. 
This week started with a District meeting where we said goodbye to Elder Otten, (Elder on left, we were at the MTC together) who got a sneak attack transfer so we had to take a bye bye pic. Love these people.
​Our recent convert, Tracy, has this boxer named Chica that is in love with me. The dog in the background wants everyone dead. He growls the whole time we are there. It's actually so funny to me. Good ol' Lola.
This week we did a whole lot of tracting. I think that's mainly what we do on this Island. Not much else to do. This week we met some new friends:
You are looking into the eyes of the DEVIL. I'm serious though. We went down this long driveway to a house and this monster of a turkey came out of the gates of hell to ruin our day and try to drive us out of there but we came out conquerors because Jesus always wins. Until next time Turkey, until next time. 
Guess who's back, back again? Alpaca's back, tell a friend. Ain't gon mess with me and mah crew.
Now for this week's episode of: Slug, or Dog Poop?
What do you think folks? Send in your guesses for a chance to win a lifetime supply of Books of Mormon! (Crowd goes wild)

​Okay I'm so sorry that was not very lady like but I see slugs and dog poop everywhere so its definitely something I think about daily. Either way we stay clear of both of them.
This morning we had Breakfast and Bowling with most of the district. The other Sisters were going to the Temple! Woo! Still excited about that. We met our new District Leader, Elder Wood (Elder on left). I was the biggest loser. I'm blaming it on the fact that I haven't bowled for 11 months. Not like I have ever been good at bowling though. 
So here's some super exciting news I just found out! RODGER IS GETTING BAPTIZED ON JUNE 4th! That is the day before my Birthday and I can go to the baptism because it is within 6 weeks of leaving Mount Vernon! I AM SO HAPPY I CANT STAND IT!! This is one investigator that Sister Nelson and I found on our own and taught from the beginning and I actually get to go to his baptism. Nothing could be better!
I am feeling the missionary spirit more than ever in my life now that my baby brother, Nate left for his mission to Spain this morning! I know that the choice to serve a mission was the best choice I could have ever made. Nate will be an amazing missionary. There are people all over the world that are searching for what we have and it has been the most rewarding, tiring, stressful, amazing experience to be the Lord's messenger and servant and share it with his children. I'm going to be the typical sister missionary right now and challenge you all to go make some new friends, be kind and serve those around you. I promise you that they will want to know what makes you different and so happy. My heart is so full of gratitude and joy today seeing Nate go off for two years. I love this gospel. I know it's true, and I love my Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ. I love you all and I hope you have a great week!

Sista K

Monday, May 23, 2016

May 23, 2016 "Woot Woot It's Whidbey!"

So this week was awesome! We do so much tracting here on the Island and everyone knows the missionaries because of it so everyone is kinda sick of us but there are also a lot of really cool people. We met a lady the other day who was hilarious. She said that she has been a house painter her whole life and said that it has been the best job ever because she can be dirty, strong, and funny. I think that's my new goal in life. Be dirty, be strong, and be funny. She also became a new investigator. Life is good. 

As we were tracting this week we found a cool tree with a built in throne. Of course yo Queen B Sis K OWNED that throne.
 This place is beautiful.We have been praying like crazy for investigators and the Lord is amazing and gave us exactly that. We found a man named Lester the other day and he was way cool. All his children are members and he just moved here and is looking for a church! Guess who has one? US. Or I guess I should say Jesus.. That was great and just as we were talking to him, a mom deer and her newly born baby deer walked past us. the baby deer was still wet and the mom was licking it clean. This place is hoppin with baby animals. And when I say "hoppin" I mean it literally because there are a billion baby bunnies and I have a heart attack at least 10-20 times a day. We were driving the other day and a baby deer was crossing the road it looked like for the first time and the ground was wet and it was trying to cross right as we pulled up and its hind legs straight up did one of those Bambi splits right in front of us. I just started screaming. Cutest thing I have ever seen hands down. 

We also went to church and a woman, who is not a member, came with her two kids and her father and mother in law who are both members and she wants to learn more about the church. She participated in Relief Society class and SundaySchool and she is pretty much golden. We talked to her after class and she was telling us that her husband is less active and that we are all gonna work on getting him back to church. hahaha could life be better? I think not. But just when I think life couldn't be better, Sister Barr's mom sends her a package full of face masks so we had some fun with those last night and had a bit of a photo shoot. 
​Lights, camera, FASHION.


​Sorry for that last one.. Honestly I've never looked better.
​Well folks, that's about it for this week. Tune in next week for some more miracles and jokes. LOVE YOU ALL!!
Sister Krummenachos

Monday, May 16, 2016

May 16, 2016 "Rooting for the Other Team"

Aww man this week was fun. For starters, our mission just found out that we can go to the Seattle temple now!!! We are all freaking out. I'm pumped. 
To be honest with you, not much else happened this week. I think the highlight of the week was exchanges with Sister Rodda. Love that squirrel. We exchanged on the best day too because we had a huge service project thing that another christian church, The Gold Creek Church, was putting on. It was called Day of Hope. Because we are on the Island I wasn't going to get to go but I got to go because of exchanges! Woo! Our President wanted all of us to go help out at this thing so there were a thousand Mormon missionaries just hangin out at this church. It was great. They were very grateful for our help. We had our service project at 10:00 and were waiting to go so we asked if there was anything else that we could do while we were waiting so a woman brought us outside and told us that we could hold up signs in front of the Gold Creek church. We were laughing so hard because we were straight up advertising for another church. We were doing the can-can, cartwheels, and just went nuts. haha We had too much fun though. We prayed that President Bonham wouldn't drive by. Prayer answered.
After we flipped signs for a bit, we went to do our actual service project which was at a homeless shelter where we were going to paint. We get there and start working and there are a billion people so this guy comes up to us and tells us that there are too many people in the hallway painting so he asked us if we could help outside instead. I swear he was just looking for something for us to do because he just took us to the parking lot and told us to clean it up. hahaha we just picked up a little trash and swept it. Good times. 

We also went to this cute little greenhouse:

​yay for flowers. 
Sorry this email was real crummy and short but It's hard to write you an email each week when I do literally the same things all the time. Still preachin' and teachin'. Lovin' it. Pray for us to find some geezers to teach here.
Imma leave ya'll with this beautiful scene near our house.
I'm not calling it a second coming cloud though for two reasons:
1. Don't look like a cloud to me
2. A lil devilish
​LOVE YOU!!!!!!
Sista Krunchenacher

Monday, May 9, 2016

May 9, 2016 "Neature"

HEYYY!!! I hope you all had an awesome Mother's day! I sure did. love talking to the fam bam. I just want to get this straight with you all though on who's got the best mom. It's me. Always has been. Always will be. End of story. Nice try. 
Anyway I'm sure you will be surprised that my week started off with a good ole fashion second coming cloud. This one stopped us in our tracks as we drove up and over a hill and at the top was this awesome sight. Remember that long streak of zero second coming cloud pics? I do. It was dark, cold and miserable. Life is good now and everyone is happy especially me. 
 This week has been so beautiful its crazy. I've got some more pictures to prove it.
My cute comp and I in nature. Ain't nature neat?
Sorry for the typical missionary walking away pic. Had to. Weather was way too good.
Your girl Becks went to the most beautiful garden on Tuesday and I about died. LOOK AT THIS. My camera is kind of a loser and doesn't take the best pics so forgive him but I hope you can imagine how amazing it was. ahh so pretty. 
We also found The secret garden. Can't tell you where it's at though or else it wouldn't be a secret anymore would it? (fade out with the sound of wind chimes)
I am livin LARGE here on Whidbey Island. Check out my rides. Actually funny story. We went tracting earlier on Saturday and these were at one of the houses we were knocking. Later that night we went to dinner with an old man, who's basement we live in (he is 94 years old :O), and his son and his son's wife and we told them about these cars we saw and the guy totally painted the purple one in his car restoration shop! That was super weird. I'm just realizing now that that story isn't even funny at all so disregard the whole thing. Too much work to backspace. Moral of the story: cool cars.
Had some good time this week for meditation and relaxation. 
​We ate dinner at a woman's house in our ward who has this awesome authentic Gypsy wagon. Gypsy's would travel around in them and live in them. So cute. 
"Wanna buy a Mormon?"
This lil punk just kept starin at me as I walked by like I was on his turf or somethin. BACK OFF. I started to talk to him. This is how the conversation went:
Me: Hey, you come here often?
Deer: ...
Me: You act like you own the place. Do you live here?
Deer: ...
Me: Well do you have a faith in Jesus Christ?
Deer: ...
Me: We're missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and we share a message that is near and DEER to my heart.
Deer: ...
Me: ...
Deer: *slowly gets up and walks out of sight*

Well family and friends, that's about all I got for you this week. Just a bunch of normal missionary stuff like feeling the spirit all the time and teaching everything that moves. I love you all and hope you have a great week!
Sister Becks

Monday, May 2, 2016

May 2, 2016 Is This the Real Life, or is This Just Fantasy

Hahaha I am so beyond myself right now at how much I've lucked out with the areas I have served. First, cute little Arlington, then Mount Vernon at the perfect time for the Tulip Festival, and now...South Whidbey Island right when the weather is fantastic! haha words cannot even express my happiness and gratitude right now. This place is a straight up dream. I'm sure my new companion is annoyed with how many pictures I'm taking but this is a serious vacation spot full of tourists and vacationers. Speaking of my new companion, her name is Sister Barr and she is the cutest little red headed sweetie pie ever. I mean look at her:
She came out with Sister Nelson and she is an awesome singer so I am way pumped to do some musical junk with her. She is from Dallas, Texas and is super smart and adorable and I love her! We are gonna have some fun here.
Before I go into talking about my new area, I just want to talk about how much I love and miss Mount Vernon already. Man I get so attached to these people and companions and stuff. I said some last goodbyes on Tuesday to the Kennedy family and Gennavee who I love so much. They are amazing and Sister Kennedy makes a delicious pecan pie. I will miss them a lot.
​I also said some goodbyes to Sister Demaggio and her mom, Mila who is actually in Arlington ward. She surprised me and showed up with Erzi, another woman from Arlington. I almost cried I was so excited. Love these people here in Washington.
So let me just tell you about this area.
I almost feel like I'm in a Fairy tale or something.. or more appropriately, a FERRY tale. I'm hilarious. So we take a ferry to get out to our area and we are pretty much secluded from everything its so funny to me. The ferry is a cool experience too. I am pumped about this place.
So we go for walks every morning and this is literally a minute walk away from our house:

There are also a TON of amazing houses here and they are all so cute. I took these pictures mainly for my mom and Mary because they both would die over this place.
​And this is my house. It's pretty cute too I guess.
It gets better. So in downtown Langley (which by the way is the cutest little town ever) there are fair grounds where they have bunnies for showing and stuff and apparently one year some kids let all the bunnies loose and now there are a billion bunnies all over downtown Langley. haha I CANT MAKE THIS STUFF UP. Here are just a few of them that I actually took pictures of. 
I hope you can see all three of them in this one. This place is crazy.
​Well I hope you all can tell that I am doing just fine over here on my vacation in Whidbey. I love it here and the people are all so nice. They are all old but very nice. I love you all and hope you have a great Mother's Day! YAYYYYY!!!!!!!
Sista Kista

Jesus came. Ya'll missed it.