Monday, May 23, 2016

May 23, 2016 "Woot Woot It's Whidbey!"

So this week was awesome! We do so much tracting here on the Island and everyone knows the missionaries because of it so everyone is kinda sick of us but there are also a lot of really cool people. We met a lady the other day who was hilarious. She said that she has been a house painter her whole life and said that it has been the best job ever because she can be dirty, strong, and funny. I think that's my new goal in life. Be dirty, be strong, and be funny. She also became a new investigator. Life is good. 

As we were tracting this week we found a cool tree with a built in throne. Of course yo Queen B Sis K OWNED that throne.
 This place is beautiful.We have been praying like crazy for investigators and the Lord is amazing and gave us exactly that. We found a man named Lester the other day and he was way cool. All his children are members and he just moved here and is looking for a church! Guess who has one? US. Or I guess I should say Jesus.. That was great and just as we were talking to him, a mom deer and her newly born baby deer walked past us. the baby deer was still wet and the mom was licking it clean. This place is hoppin with baby animals. And when I say "hoppin" I mean it literally because there are a billion baby bunnies and I have a heart attack at least 10-20 times a day. We were driving the other day and a baby deer was crossing the road it looked like for the first time and the ground was wet and it was trying to cross right as we pulled up and its hind legs straight up did one of those Bambi splits right in front of us. I just started screaming. Cutest thing I have ever seen hands down. 

We also went to church and a woman, who is not a member, came with her two kids and her father and mother in law who are both members and she wants to learn more about the church. She participated in Relief Society class and SundaySchool and she is pretty much golden. We talked to her after class and she was telling us that her husband is less active and that we are all gonna work on getting him back to church. hahaha could life be better? I think not. But just when I think life couldn't be better, Sister Barr's mom sends her a package full of face masks so we had some fun with those last night and had a bit of a photo shoot. 
​Lights, camera, FASHION.


​Sorry for that last one.. Honestly I've never looked better.
​Well folks, that's about it for this week. Tune in next week for some more miracles and jokes. LOVE YOU ALL!!
Sister Krummenachos

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