Monday, November 21, 2016

November 21, 2016 "Tears 4 Years"

We got some really depressing and lame news a second ago and I'm gonna cry. Sister Moody is getting transferred and is gettin' booted tomorrow. I'm just mad and we are just so confused but whatever happens is probably the best. It just sucks big time. What is even worse is that we thought for sure that we would be together for my last transfer and we had our District Leader, Elder Semadeni, draw us a sweet pic for our planners. It's the Stanhood dream team. hahaha I love it so much. Now when I look at it every day I'm just gonna cry. Wish me luck. 
Pic from left to right: Sis Plank, Sis K, Sis Moody.
In other sad news, Elder Harmon, our beloved Zone Leader died this week. He will be home today with those who loved him most. He will be dearly missed. Pray for our zone in mourning. 
Not everything was so sad this week. We had a fun Family Home evening and made our own Titles of Liberty like the legend, Moroni! These girls are the cutest and we will be having Thanksgiving dinner with them. I'm so happy. 
I also got a cool face mask. kiss those blemishes goodbye. It actually just burned my face off. Worth it.
This week was kinda slow. Sister Moody has been pukey pukey all week so she needed some rest and relaxation. We did see miracles though! Every time we left the apartment and went out, Sister Moody got pukey again but when we were in lessons, her nausea went away so that we could teach. It's crazy how that happens but I know it was Heavenly Father pulling her through. When I have been sick, or super depressed about something or just not myself, the Lord makes up the difference and he keeps me okay for those very important 30 minutes we are teaching someone about his gospel. He knows us. He knows when we are pukey pukey. He knows when we are trying our best and he always makes up for what we can't do on our own. I love him so much. 
I'm sorry again that this week was so lame but I'm sure these next few weeks will be pretty crazy. Time is tickin' and so is an emotional breakdown. Being a missionary is the biggest emotional roller coaster in the world. I'm getting to the finale of the ride where there's a loop and a fat drop that makes your stomach fly out of your mouth. Pray for Sister Plank and I.
I love you and hope your Thanksgiving days are full of gratitude for everything we have been given by "our loving Heavenly Father who made all of this for us. I know he loves us and I know he wants us to seek the good out of everything." (Seeking What's Good -Ejay Mulitalo)  <get it or regret it.
Sister Krummenacher

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