Monday, February 8, 2016

January 25, 2016 8 Months? Nah.

So this week was just a bit crazy and next week is going to be ten billion times crazier because of transfers. SO.. I will be staying here in Mount Vernon but Sister West will be leaving me because this little squirrel is training again! WOO!! My brand new baby missionary will arrive tomorrow! Fresh off the plane and straight into my sweet sweet embrace. I'm super pumped to train again, but also super not pumped to spend an extra hour studying every day. Because we were pretty sure Sister West was leaving, we took a lot of pictures with our members and investigators. Here's the low down:

This is Doug and Diana! They are so great. Doug is one of the most stubborn people ever. Almost every time we tell him to read the Book of Mormon he gets this little wooden coin out that says "TUIT" on it. He says he'll get "a round tuit". Funny. READ THE BOOK DOUG. haha I love them so much though and he is actually really coming along. I tell him I'm gonna get him soon. Stay tuned.
This is the Beavers family!! Not to be mistaken by my Mesa home squirrel Lolo Beavers family. They are so nice to us and they take such good care of us wow I love them. Brother Beavers collects elephant figurines and statues. Every single one has a story to it so you better have a lot of time and not have to be home in 5 minutes to hear all of them. (we had to be home in 5 minutes)
Sister Agard is my homie. We teach her every Friday night at 8:00 sharp. Very big contrast to what used to do on Friday nights at 8:00 a few months ago. haha. I love her.
Last but certainly not least is the wonderful Axthelm family. Brother Axthelm is our Ward Mission Leader and Sister Axthelm is the best fellow-shipper you will ever meet. They feed us dinner every Saturday night and we have a blast and a half.
I even have evidence:
I'm super sad to say goodbye to pretty much half of my district. actually it's exactly half. Its been a good run kids.
Mount Vernon is pretty neat if you ask me. I'm super excited for things to come. Wish me luck with this new companiero! Pray that she doesn't hate me and my constant singing and crackin sick jokes. Love you all!
"Happy to be here, proud to serve!"-Grandpa Bradshaw
Sista K bby

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