Monday, February 8, 2016

January 4, 2016 Bling Bling 2016

Happy new year ya big bums! This year I got to go to bed early! WOOO!!! Party hard #NewYears2k16. To be honest, the best part of my week was probably this fortune cookie that Sister West got the other day:
​lol I'm perfect.
Also, this sign that some jokester defaced. it says "WATCH FOR MICE" hahaha
​But in all seriousness, this sign is RELEVANT guys. IT SNOWED YESTERDAY AND ITS STILL SNOWING TODAY AND IT IS BEAUTIFUL AND I LOVE IT. I had to take a pic of my first snow here and also my third snow ever in my life. This stuff is pretty! Did you know that snowflakes actually look like the paper ones you make in Elementary school? (Go Entz Explorers)
So to be honest with you, not much else happened this week.. 3 of our investigators came to church on Sunday! haha we have a lady we are teaching named Gwen and she is so hilarious I cant even explain her. She is an older, black woman and she don't take no nonsense from anyone. I love her. She has trouble getting to church because of some health issues and because her doctor is afraid that she will slip on ice so she said that we needed to help her inside when she got to church. We got to church at 8:30 (church starts at 9) and right as we were about to go inside, we hear a woman shout for us. It was good ole Gwen. She starts saying "I've been waiting here for a long while and now I'm all cold and I will probably just go home now". I told her that it was warm inside so we helped her out her car and into the chapel. haha I love her. It was a great fast Sunday meeting and nobody gave sketchy testimonies which was really great. It seemed like every testimony was exactly for Gwen. It was awesome!
We also sat next to a lady in our ward who's husband just passed away. (side note: 2 people have passed away within the first two weeks of me being here. Call me Grim Reaper or somethin' cause I'm cursed for sure) I felt like I should go share my testimony because it was my first fast Sunday in the ward but I was just waiting for the prime time and then the lady next to me asked me to help her up to the stand so I took that as a little budge from above. Great meeting. My ward is great and I am really liking them a lot. 
I love being a missionary! Probably haven't heard that before.. Its so true though! I am learning and growing so much and I am learning to LOVE THESE PEOPLE. It is amazing how much you can love people as you share the gospel with them. so guess what, GO DO IT. Its the best thing ever. I love you all! BYE!!
Sister K Bae

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