Hey guys!
So I logged into the missionary portal today and it looks like I'm actually Elder Vallejo serving in the Bolivia Cochabamba Mission. Holla! Not sure what happened there but it made me laugh.
This week has actually been super super crazy though! We had some changes in our assignments on Thursday. We got a call from the APs telling us that we are now covering both Camano Island Ward and Stanwood Ward for the rest of the transfer!
Its just craziness over here now. Both of these areas are some of the largest in the mission so its just a lot of driving and stress and a lot of dinners! Both of the wards had dinner calendars just completely full for the next 3 weeks so we have a bunch of double dinners scheduled for the next few weeks and I might die. We are gonna have to figure something out with that. The Stanwood ward is super on top of it too because we are already giving talks next Sunday and teach gospel principles!! woo! We also get to go to church for 9 hours now! This is going to be so fun! Other than that super stressful but exciting news, we had some really awesome miracles this week!
We have an investigator named Sue who I just love so so much. Her husband has been a long time member of the church and they just recently got married. She has taken the missionary lessons before but never really agreed fully with what the missionaries taught. She has been coming to church with her husband for quite a while now and we have been inviting her to read the Book of Mormon and to pray about it every time we go over there. We have invited her to be baptized but she has said that she doesn't really know yet if this is what she wants to do. This week we had one of the coolest lessons I have had on my mission. The spirit was so so strong there. We were teaching about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We taught about the principals of the gospel: Faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end. When we got to Baptism we asked her how she felt about it. She told us that one night she was having a lot of trouble sleeping and she just couldn't get herself to fall asleep. She said that she decided to kneel down and pray. She prayed to know if this was the path that God wanted her on and she said that she was just filled with peace, comfort, and joy. I looked over and her husband had tears in his eyes. He has been praying and pleading for this for quite a long time now and he is so happy that she is feeling the spirit testify of the truthfulness of the gospel. It is so true. This is Christ's church restored through another prophet just like the prophets in the bible! It's amazing! I am so happy to go tell everyone about it!
Speaking of prophets, a girl in our ward was wearing this shirt on Wednesday night and I thought it was too good.
This week we had dinner with the Kmetz family and I let the little ones play with my camera for a bit. These pictures were the result of that. It was a real wild night.
My BFF Avery got called to the Scottsdale, AZ mission and leaves in November!! I will get home and track her down the next month when I get home! ahhhhh I love this squirrel she is amazing. Watch out Scottsdale, you got a hot one on the way.
Funny story: We went to go meet the Stanwood ward bishop on Thursday and he wasn't home but his wife answered the door and some of her kids were there so we sat down with them and got to get to know them a little better. I asked the little girl what her name was and she said "my name is Rebecca!". I looked at her and said, "you aren't supposed to know this but that's my name too!". We all thought that was pretty funny and then I asked the little boy what his name was and he said "my name is Nate!". I just started laughing and told him that I have a brother named Nate who is on a mission right now! We all laughed some more and then I asked the names of everyone else in their family to see if there was a Jake, Sarah, Brent, or Laura but sadly, there was none. We still thought it was pretty funny. All of a sudden the dog comes out of nowhere and starts to lick my leg and the mom yells "Charlie! get down!" and I just about lost it. hahaha I told them my dog's name was Charlie and we all busted a gut for a while over that one. Funny stuff. I had to get a picture with my little mini Krummenacher family from Stanwood.
Well that's about it for this week! Pray that my hair doesn't fall out over all this craziness! I love you all! Have a great week!
Elder Vallejo
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