IT WAS A GOOD WEEK!!!!! We taught so many stinkin lessons this week it was crazy. When we got here we hardly had anything to do and now we have the problem all missionaries love to have of not being able to see all the people that we want to see and not having enough time. We may need to start going on splits with the ward to cover all the stuff we gotta get done. Blessed for sure! We are very happy about it hence the smiles:
Yesterday was Pioneer day! Wooo! hahaha didn't know it was such a big deal in Utah until on Fourth of July we had to come in early because of the craziness and Sister Pickup (who is from Utah) turns to me and asks "do you think we'll have to come in early on the 24th too?" and I was like, "What the heck is happening on the 24th??" and she was like "Pioneer day" and I just laughed so hard because NOBODY celebrates that holiday except for Utah. haha We laughed about that one. We did have fun here on Camano though because the primary kids did a fun Pioneer day activity. they wanted us to come help out and lead the kids in singing pioneer songs while we went on a mini Trek around the church building dressed in pioneer clothes. There were a few kids who wanted to hold my hand the whole way and it made me so happy. I love all the babes! It was super cute and so much fun. I swear we sang "pioneer children sang as they walked and walked and walked and walked and walked and walked and walked..." a thousand times because that's like the only Pioneer song I remember from Primary. haha it was fun though. Did I mention I love this ward??
Not much else happened this week. Our Zone leaders gave us a challenge to place at least 1 solid Book of Mormon every day this month so we have seen a bunch of miracles from that! I LOVE THE BOOK OF MORMON!! Go read it!
We also had a lesson with Jim this week and took him on a tour of the church building. We showed him the primary room where the kids learn, the family history center, the Baptismal font, and then we went to the chapel and talked about he sacrament. The spirit was almost tangible in the room and we asked him how he felt. He said "I haven't felt this peaceful since my wife and I went to church. My ears are burning!" Jim's wife passed away a few years back and he always talks about her. The spirit speaks to us in a lot of different ways and for Jim he says he just feels his ears burning up! It's hilarious! He says his ears burn every time he reads the Book of Mormon. Funny how the spirit works sometimes. We really feel like his wife has been with him the whole way in his progression. It's super cool to see and be a part of. He is awesome.
Sister Pickup snapped this photo of me while we were studying. My caption for this one is:
Sister Pickup snapped this photo of me while we were studying. My caption for this one is:
"I choose YOU, to go share the gospel with your amigos!"
Sista Poomenacher
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