Monday, October 31, 2016

October 31, 2016 "Happy Halloween!"

Hey friends! This week was just a bunch of parties like no other! We are heading to another one with our district right after I email ya'll! We are going to carve pumpkins, eat pancakes and play games. I think President and Sister Wilding are coming too so it's gonna be fun. 
The ward threw a trunk or treat party on Wednesday night. It was a hit! Funny Story: We are teaching a couple families in an apartment complex here in Stanwood. There are always 10000 kids running around outside so they all know us. The day before the trunk or treat we realized we had like all of our invitations to give out still in our car so we rushed around to invite everyone. It was around 8:40 the night before and we went to the apartment complex and just stuffed the invites in everyone's door that we knew. The next night we get to the party and literally all the kids that we see all the time playing outside and their parents were there. We were so shocked. I think it ended up being more non-members there than members. We just busted up laughing because there were people there that we didn't even invite but they must have heard about it and just showed up. It was awesome. We got our faces painted and got to hang out with all the cool witches, super heroes, and 5000 rainbow dash's. If you can't tell, I am wearing Sister Plank's name tag. We dressed up as each other and I got to speak in a thick Kentucky accent all night. The kids thought we were hilarious.
This little boy is my best friend. Every time I see him he gives me a hug and I say, "hey best friend!". I love him.
Someone call the Capitol we got a Katniss on the loose.
We also did some service again at the Thrift store and there is always somethin good.
Got my first job at McDonalds!! Im so excited!!
Did someone say Ellen Degeneres? (spelling?)
A member had us over for dinner and a sweet Halloween party with their family. They had us pick out some costumes and we ate pumpkin shaped pizza and caramel apples.
Just chillin with my BF MJ
They also had kittens. So many kittens. 
In other news, We got a Hawks box from McDonalds the other day. Go Seahawks amiright? lol they lost.  Everyone was in a bad mood yesterday. 
Also, A member gave me these really cute clogs. 
​We're always gettin hooked up with this stuff. #heckyeah
And finally, we had comp study with our cute STLs. I LOVE THEM. Feat.half eaten bagel.
Greg and Vanessa and their son are awesome! When I say they are a golden family, I am not kidding. They are GOLDEN. I LOVE THEM!! I am so lucky to be teaching so many awesome people. Also, I found out Ron and Sue are getting baptized in Camano on Saturday and they want me to sing at the baptism!! Ahhh!!! IM SO HAPPY!!! oh yeah, and I also got to see all of my favorite people from the Arlington and Camano Island wards because we had Stake conference on Sunday. I got to see so many people that I taught in Arlington that I haven't seen for over a year now. I am so so blessed I can't even tell you how happy I am. I am definitely ready to give some thanks this November. I have so much to Thank my Heavenly Father for. One thing that I am so grateful for, is all of you!!! I LOVE YOU!!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!! 
Much Love,

Sunday, October 30, 2016

October 24, 2016 "Meetings and Miracles"

This week was so crazy but in the worst way because we had three all day long meetings. We had a half mission conference with Elder Dube of the seventy, Interviews with President Wilding, and a new missionary training. I have never had so many big meetings in one week before. I love meetings though because I get to see all of the greatest people ever. or should I say greatest people 
Sister Packer, Krummenacher, Moody, Plank, Thompson, Skousen, and Tomkinson.

A lot of my posterity. I LOVE THEM.

Despite all the craziness, we were still able to teach our investigators.Greatest miracle of all happened this week! We are teaching Greg and he has a girlfriend and son that haven't really been part of our lessons yet. His girlfriend seemed pretty cold to us so we were a little afraid of her. On Saturday we went over there for a lesson and She started to join in on the lesson and she asked some really good questions. She works with a member in our ward and she told us that she had recently asked the member about baptism for children because her son had asked her about it after he came home from church last week. She loved that we believe that children are only accountable when they are eight and older.  She wants her son to choose for himself. We invited Greg to be baptized and he said he wants to but he wants his family to come with him. I turned around and asked if his girlfriend wanted to take the lessons too and do it as a family and she was all on board! We walked out of that lesson and as soon as we got in the car we just stated screaming with joy. I'm sure the whole apartment complex heard us. On Sunday we talked to the member that she works with and she told us that she had a super spiritual conversation at work with Greg's girlfriend. The member she talked with is a convert of the church and she said they were both crying as she talked to her about the gospel. The whole story of how we found Greg and his family and the point we are at now with them just shows to me how much God is guiding us all. I am so blessed to be out here and to be God's messenger of the greatest message. I cannot even begin to doubt that he is in charge of this whole thing. He is in every footstep and I love him.

 We also did some fun service this week! We bucked some hay for a random woman who called us asking for the Elders. We told her we would come do it for her and it was a party! I am so buff now. Expect hulk to walk off the plane. We stacked the whole shed full of the stuff. 
We also chilled with some goat homies. 
It is so pretty in Washington lately. Well, actually its kinda gloomy most of the time but Sister Moody snapped this sweet shot of some second coming clouds the other day. I LOVE WASHINGTON.
Funny story: we were sitting around studying the other morning and we got a knock on the door. We answered and a guy that was 50000 feet tall was standing there and said "hey, are the Elders here?" We were like, "No?" and then he said, "Oh, well I'd like to talk to them sometime". We told him how we were the missionaries in the area now and he was just like "okay, yeah I'd love to chat sometime" We got his address and he told us his name was Curtis then he went on his way. We closed the door and just sat in silence for a second to try to understand what just happened. They always tell you in mission meetings that if you expect investigators to just show up at your door then you are loco. Looks like it ain't so loco anymore. We just busted up laughing as soon as we realized what had happened. Lol. Curtis.
In other news our investigator, Jessica, came to church on Sunday!! I LOVE HER!!! She looks like Merida from Brave. She's my hero. 
Next time I talk to ya, It'll be Halloween yo! Have a gr8 week! I'll be Trick or Teaching all day. Peace out!
Sister Krummenpucker up!

October 17, 2016 "Krood One"

ALRIGHTY FOLKS!!! Are you ready for baby #3??? 
This is our most precious baby, SISTER PLANK!!! WE LOVE HER!!! She is hilarious and we are havin' even more fun and I didn't think that was possible but it is. Three packs are the jam.
​Because our apartment isn't big enough for us to work out in, we go out into the cold, dark morning to go running and have contests on who can look the most ridiculous wrapped in every single jacket and coat we have. I think I win every time. This week we obviously had to take some planking pics at the skate park because Sister Plank rox. 
Our workouts haven just turned into morning adventures and we just kinda cruise around the neighborhood lookin' like three big marshmallows just roamin the streets.
We went and saw this wooden viking..
 This ginormo tree stump. (vote 4 stump)..
United Methodist church knows what's up..
Ford Taurus 2000 amiright?? (best car out there)
Spiderman jam..
Don't worry, mama's gotcha..
In other news, I met a really nice guy and he asked me to winter formal! I think he likes me too! teeheeheehee
We are teaching a super sweet man though. His name is George and he has been making a paper airplane. We showed up to see him the other night and he finally finished the airplane and named it after Sister Moody and I! We about melted. He is so funny. He named it "Krood One". He is so precious wow.
Thanx mom for the package and kitty cat ears! Sister Moody's dad sent us some sick orange shades so now we are ridin' in style! 
We also played some tennis last Pday which was a blast. Sister Moody borrowed my African garb. Love her.
Update on Greg: I LOVE HIM!! Last Sunday he came to church and said he would come next Sunday and maybe even stay for the next hour. We were pumped. Funny story- Sister Moody blacked out in our lesson with him this week lololol hahaha so funny. Anyway, Sunday rolled around and he came! It was an awesome meeting too. Our ward mission leader spoke, a returned missionary gave his homecoming talk, and I got to do a musical number! Greg leaned over to Sister Moody after I sang and said "why ain't anyone clappin' for her?!" haha I love him. He stayed for all of church and brought his son too! They make me so happy. He is probably one of my favorite investigators I've ever had. I love this stuff. Just teaching and junk.
Well I love you all! I hope you have a killer week!!
Sister Krood One

October 10, 2016 "Transfats"

Hey everybody!! I have had way too much fun this week its a joke.
On Monday our district went bowling at the most ghetto bowling alley in Arlington. It's Sister Barletta's jam. She loves bowling and she's way good so we had fun.
 It was Elder Hislop and Sister Barletta's last Pday so we partied it up. Im gonna miss those guys. We said bye to them yesterday when they were getting picked up by the AP's at the church. Now we are three packing til transfers with Sister Pickup. Its a blast.
Thursday was the craziest day of all tiiimmmee! Because my mom, Sister Johnson, and Sister Barletta were going home this week, they got to go to the temple on Thursday so Sister Johnson's companion needed somewhere to go so guess who I got to go on exchanges for a day with??
We both almost cried when we found out. Just like old times. We got to do lunch and dinner with Sister Pickup and Moody so it left us a lot of time for a big fat load of pics. sorry.
​I also got to say my final goodbyes to my mom who went home yesterday. I LOVE SISTER JOHNSON!!!
Its been a fun time three packing and It's a sneak peek into my next transfer..
Its Transfers again!!! WOOO!!! Drumroll please......
WE ARE PREGNANT!! Today we found out that we are both training a new missionary together!!!! AHHHH That means we get to three pack it in the Stanhood. HOLLAA

We just about died. we laughed so hard because our apartment is literally 4 square feet and the housing coordinators are getting us a BUNK BED hahahahahahahahahahaha This trainee has got some pretty sick mamas. Look at us:
Our phone background is even sicker:
​Because we are training we went to the mission office for trainers training and we got to see our girl Sista Leininger. Love these squirrels. 
As for a miracle this week, we had a lesson scheduled with Greg on Saturday and he was a no show so we were really sad because he said he was going to come to church this week when we taught him last. We figured that because we didn't get to see him that he probably wouldn't be at church (no faith) so we were sad. We went to church and guess who comes walkin' in like he owned the place in his sick fedora and lookin' so fly, ITS GREG! We love him!!! Even better is that his son plays basketball with a couple of the kids in the ward and there were some dads in our ward that knew him already. It was awesome. I love being a missionary it's ridiculous.
i know it doesn't look like a do much of anything but photo shoots but I promise we do teach people. We are so happy to be together for another transfer and to kick some butt here. The church is true!!
I love you all!!!! HAVE A GREAT WEEK!!!!! 
Sister Krummenacher

Monday, October 3, 2016

October 3, 2016 "October General Conference"

Hello everyone! It's been such a crazy week that just flew by!! I feel like It was just Monday.. 
Last Monday was actually way fun. We played pickle ball with the Elders. We told everyone to pose like this.
These wannabe sister missionaries were spotted in Stanwood, Washington on September 30, 2016 at 3:19 pm. If you hear of any suspicious activity or havoc running a muck please contact your local stake president. They must be stopped. 
Exciting news! We found some new investigators named Juan and Maria Corona! They are the cutest couple! Just look at them!
But really, we did find some cool new investigators this week. I love our investigators so much. Friends forever with all of them. I know I'm definitely here to meet these people. One of our favorites got us these car decals at the Christian book store in Everett because we told her how much we loved hers. Best gift I think I've gotten so far.

Ahhh General Conference was this week and I cannot tell you how excited I get every time. I used to not listen too much during conference and it was kinda like nap time before my mission but now I feel so terrible because I'm pretty sure I missed out on a lot of amazing stuff. Luckily most of what the talks were about repentance this time around. Ya live and ya learn I guess. One of my favorite talks was President Uchtdorf who talked about how we often take what we have and what we know in the gospel for granted. We aren't excited about it enough sometimes. I've had some time to reflect on that and how I can be more enthusiastic about everything we share. I used that in a lesson we had with one of our new investigators on Sunday night. His name is Greg. I think I talked about him before. He's golden. We were teaching him about the Book of Mormon (also a lot of good talks about that as well) and I tried to express to him my excitement about the Book of Mormon. We told him how amazing it is and took him through it, showing him some of my favorite stories, testifying of its truthfulness and how it can be one of his greatest treasures. Before we even invited him to read it for himself he said "oh man, I will definitely start reading this. I'm really excited!" It made me so happy to hear that. President Uchtdorf's talk gave me a good slap in the face that I should be more excited about everything that I take for granted in the Gospel. I have so much to be excited about!
 Here's the only pic we got at the stake center when we watched conference with the zone. Not sure what happened
We do service at the thrift store in town and they exiled us to the storage unit outside where there are just heaps of junk and they let us loose in there to sort through it all. 
It's officially October and Halloween is in full effect over here in Stanhood. There's a woman in the ward who has these creepy (and slightly inappropriate) mannequins..
and this demon baby.  Happy Halloween, ya'll!

I almost forgot! This week I had my first mission food poisoning!! I woke up at 2 in the morning and just threw up everything. I was honestly just kind of stoked to be able to say that I have a food poisoning story from my mission. Good times. 
I love you all!! Transfers are next week so I will let you know what happens! I doubt they will let Sister Moody and I stay together because you can't keep a dream team together for too long. The whole state might be baptized if you do that! We wouldn't want that to happen. Okay have a gr8 week!!
Sister Krummenacher