Monday, October 31, 2016

October 31, 2016 "Happy Halloween!"

Hey friends! This week was just a bunch of parties like no other! We are heading to another one with our district right after I email ya'll! We are going to carve pumpkins, eat pancakes and play games. I think President and Sister Wilding are coming too so it's gonna be fun. 
The ward threw a trunk or treat party on Wednesday night. It was a hit! Funny Story: We are teaching a couple families in an apartment complex here in Stanwood. There are always 10000 kids running around outside so they all know us. The day before the trunk or treat we realized we had like all of our invitations to give out still in our car so we rushed around to invite everyone. It was around 8:40 the night before and we went to the apartment complex and just stuffed the invites in everyone's door that we knew. The next night we get to the party and literally all the kids that we see all the time playing outside and their parents were there. We were so shocked. I think it ended up being more non-members there than members. We just busted up laughing because there were people there that we didn't even invite but they must have heard about it and just showed up. It was awesome. We got our faces painted and got to hang out with all the cool witches, super heroes, and 5000 rainbow dash's. If you can't tell, I am wearing Sister Plank's name tag. We dressed up as each other and I got to speak in a thick Kentucky accent all night. The kids thought we were hilarious.
This little boy is my best friend. Every time I see him he gives me a hug and I say, "hey best friend!". I love him.
Someone call the Capitol we got a Katniss on the loose.
We also did some service again at the Thrift store and there is always somethin good.
Got my first job at McDonalds!! Im so excited!!
Did someone say Ellen Degeneres? (spelling?)
A member had us over for dinner and a sweet Halloween party with their family. They had us pick out some costumes and we ate pumpkin shaped pizza and caramel apples.
Just chillin with my BF MJ
They also had kittens. So many kittens. 
In other news, We got a Hawks box from McDonalds the other day. Go Seahawks amiright? lol they lost.  Everyone was in a bad mood yesterday. 
Also, A member gave me these really cute clogs. 
​We're always gettin hooked up with this stuff. #heckyeah
And finally, we had comp study with our cute STLs. I LOVE THEM. Feat.half eaten bagel.
Greg and Vanessa and their son are awesome! When I say they are a golden family, I am not kidding. They are GOLDEN. I LOVE THEM!! I am so lucky to be teaching so many awesome people. Also, I found out Ron and Sue are getting baptized in Camano on Saturday and they want me to sing at the baptism!! Ahhh!!! IM SO HAPPY!!! oh yeah, and I also got to see all of my favorite people from the Arlington and Camano Island wards because we had Stake conference on Sunday. I got to see so many people that I taught in Arlington that I haven't seen for over a year now. I am so so blessed I can't even tell you how happy I am. I am definitely ready to give some thanks this November. I have so much to Thank my Heavenly Father for. One thing that I am so grateful for, is all of you!!! I LOVE YOU!!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!! 
Much Love,

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