Sister Packer, Krummenacher, Moody, Plank, Thompson, Skousen, and Tomkinson.
A lot of my posterity. I LOVE THEM.
Despite all the craziness, we were still able to teach our investigators.Greatest miracle of all happened this week! We are teaching Greg and he has a girlfriend and son that haven't really been part of our lessons yet. His girlfriend seemed pretty cold to us so we were a little afraid of her. On Saturday we went over there for a lesson and She started to join in on the lesson and she asked some really good questions. She works with a member in our ward and she told us that she had recently asked the member about baptism for children because her son had asked her about it after he came home from church last week. She loved that we believe that children are only accountable when they are eight and older. She wants her son to choose for himself. We invited Greg to be baptized and he said he wants to but he wants his family to come with him. I turned around and asked if his girlfriend wanted to take the lessons too and do it as a family and she was all on board! We walked out of that lesson and as soon as we got in the car we just stated screaming with joy. I'm sure the whole apartment complex heard us. On Sunday we talked to the member that she works with and she told us that she had a super spiritual conversation at work with Greg's girlfriend. The member she talked with is a convert of the church and she said they were both crying as she talked to her about the gospel. The whole story of how we found Greg and his family and the point we are at now with them just shows to me how much God is guiding us all. I am so blessed to be out here and to be God's messenger of the greatest message. I cannot even begin to doubt that he is in charge of this whole thing. He is in every footstep and I love him.
We also did some fun service this week! We bucked some hay for a random woman who called us asking for the Elders. We told her we would come do it for her and it was a party! I am so buff now. Expect hulk to walk off the plane. We stacked the whole shed full of the stuff.
We also chilled with some goat homies.
It is so pretty in Washington lately. Well, actually its kinda gloomy most of the time but Sister Moody snapped this sweet shot of some second coming clouds the other day. I LOVE WASHINGTON.
Funny story: we were sitting around studying the other morning and we got a knock on the door. We answered and a guy that was 50000 feet tall was standing there and said "hey, are the Elders here?" We were like, "No?" and then he said, "Oh, well I'd like to talk to them sometime". We told him how we were the missionaries in the area now and he was just like "okay, yeah I'd love to chat sometime" We got his address and he told us his name was Curtis then he went on his way. We closed the door and just sat in silence for a second to try to understand what just happened. They always tell you in mission meetings that if you expect investigators to just show up at your door then you are loco. Looks like it ain't so loco anymore. We just busted up laughing as soon as we realized what had happened. Lol. Curtis.
In other news our investigator, Jessica, came to church on Sunday!! I LOVE HER!!! She looks like Merida from Brave. She's my hero.
Next time I talk to ya, It'll be Halloween yo! Have a gr8 week! I'll be Trick or Teaching all day. Peace out!
Sister Krummenpucker up!
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