It was a beautiful, Tuesday morning. The birds were chirping and the morning dew was settled on the thick, green blades of grass. There was a sense of new life in the air. This was the day that Sister Krummenacher gave birth to her first, beautiful, brand spankin new, baby missionary!
WOW I love my new companion! THIS IS SISTER THOMPSON!!
Sister Thompson is from Las Vegas and she loves to dance and sing with me all day! She is a fantastic missionary. We have so much fun together freezing our lil tooshes off. This was a kitten that a lady we teach has. There are baby kittens everywhere!! I know what you're all thinking.. "Why not puppies??" I really don't even know. I'm a lil ticked like I'm sure all of you are.
ANYWAY, I am loving being a trainer. It has been a little stressful but I am managing quite easily and I just take big ole breathes if I ever start to freak myself out. I really do love it though!
Not much else happened this week! Just a bunch of getting used to the way Sister Thompson and I teach and work together. She is a great teacher and hard worker and I am excited to see all of the work we do together.
When I went to pick up my new missionary, my whole missionary family was there! Here's my geneology picture for you. From Left to Right. Sister Tennant is my Grandma ( she trained sister Johnson), then there's Sister Johnson my momma (She trained me), then me, then sister Thompson my new baby! Super fun to have all of us there for a pic.
Here's another picture of Sister Johnson and Tennant's new companions too:
Super sad day because Elder Rein Jes(not sure how to spell it) left for Taiwan on Tuesday and a bunch of the other Elders in our district. We tried to make our picture as awkward as possible because we cant touch in any way so we thought we might as well go with it. We became really good friends with the zone leaders and Elder Rein Jes was in a three pack with them waiting for his visa to go through. Well it went through and now he's gone! Kinda sad, but Our new district has sisters in it! YAY!! Friends!!
I got one of the sweetest packages in the mail this week! A ton of craisins and letters from the students I taught at home! I cried with joy. I love my kiddos and miss them terribly! Thank you so much Marcela!!!
Last night we were talking about how cold it gets in our basement with a less active family we teach and the lady was so nice and gave us some crocheted blankets and a Disneyland Tigger sweater to wear! Seriously some of the nicest people you'll ever meet here in Arlington. I highly suggest paying a visit sometime. Now we're warm!!!
Living in the basement of a house really isn't that bad. We have a separate door that we go through and its pretty much the same as If we lived in an apartment. The only things that are a little annoying about it is that the lady who lives there gets to control the heat. We literally freeze in the mornings but this morning we were talking about how when she turns the heat on we will have to celebrate with guacamole. SHE TURNED THE HEAT ON LITERALLY 30 MINUTES LATER. hahaha no guacamole though.
Living in the basement of a house really isn't that bad. We have a separate door that we go through and its pretty much the same as If we lived in an apartment. The only things that are a little annoying about it is that the lady who lives there gets to control the heat. We literally freeze in the mornings but this morning we were talking about how when she turns the heat on we will have to celebrate with guacamole. SHE TURNED THE HEAT ON LITERALLY 30 MINUTES LATER. hahaha no guacamole though.
I LOVE MY NEW COMPANION! We seriously get along so well. President usually asks what we want in a trainer and Sister Thompson said she wanted someone with a sense of humor. haha When I went to go get my new companion, they do a big ceremony type thing where the trainers are on one side of the chapel and the new missionaries are on the other side and president calls the trainers and companions together and you sit together in the middle. When he called sister Thompson and I together I ran over there and gave her a huge hug and literally swept her off her feet. quite magical actually. Everyone laughed but I shed a tear.
Thought this was funny. The other day we were walking and this field totally looked like the default Windows background with the green grass and clouds. Hope you all know what I'm talking about. We laughed.
Just another fantastic week as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! I love it! Sister Thompson shared one of her favorite scriptures with me this week and I love how simple it is:
"Believe in God; believe that he created all things, both in heaven and in earth; believe that man doth not comprehend all the things which the Lord can comprehend." (Mosiah 4:9)
BELIEVE IN GOD! There is nothing more joyous than that simple message. God lives, and he has provided a way for us to return and live with him and our families forever. We can't even comprehend the blessings that await us for eternity when we heed that message.
I love you all so much and I cannot wait for general conference this weekend! Come listen to a prophet's voice on BYU TV this Saturday and Sunday!
I pray for you, and love each one of you so much! Have a WONDERFUL week!
Sister Becca Krummenacher
Great letter Sister Krummenacher! Hey, your new companion's Dad's name wouldn't happen to be Lee, would it? Just wondering if he was one of Claude's best friends from Vegas.