Monday, September 21, 2015

September 21, 2015 Training!

Guess who's training??? ME!!! I'm taking over Arlington and I get a new baby missionary straight off the plane tomorrow! I'm so excited you have no clue! Sister Johnson is leaving me to fend for myself but I think I can manage. Still gonna baptize the whole town so.

With transfers this Tuesday and all the craziness going on, our district is getting all split up :( Love these guys a whole lot. Just a bunch of weirdos sharing the good word. Also, the two Elders who were both from AZ are both leaving me so I'm pretty sad about that. I've realized a mission is pretty much just a bunch of goodbyes. Goodbye family! Goodbye trainer! Goodbye Elders! Goodbye Ward! Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye!!!! Sad way to see it but let me be sad for a second okay?
My sad second is over because I had a great week. It felt like it lasted five billion years but nevertheless, still great. (scripture language) side note: read your scriptures.

This is the Carter family! Words cannot describe my love for them. Brother Carter is the most hilarious guy I've met. We read the Book of Mormon a lot with them and he says that the words in there are super weird. He told us that he was at work the other day and someone made him mad so he thought " I'M GONNA SMOTE YOU!" hahaha We laughed for a while about that one. He also thinks its funny that Nephi refers to himself as a man "large in stature". Brother Carter puffs his chest and says " I NEPHI, BEING LARGE IN STATURE.." lol. He enjoys reading it though so that's all that we could ever want. Sister Carter is my mom out here. She feeds us dinner once a week and she loves us so much. She is going through the temple in October and I am so so excited for her. I LOVE THEMMMMM.
We had exchanges again this week and I was with Sister Jackson in Lake Steven again! She is my favorite ever!! She just got here last transfer and she is amazing. I hope we get to be companions someday. HANG LOOSE.
Oh man we did so much service this past week and we also had to move all of our stuff to our new home!! I love it though!! only one bathroom but that's okay just a lil more stinky. We helped pick up trash at the park and clean out all of the homeless peoples "homes". Kinda sad actually. To me, I was throwing away an old beat up chair, but to them I probably threw away their lazy boy recliner. It had to be done though. Dismiss my ratty hair. Brother Rushton laughed at me for "posing with garbage". I was proud of my yellow vest and full bag of trash. Back up.

This morning we said our goodbyes to most of our district and zone leaders. We shared pancakes, laughs, and tears :(
​Well that's about it for this week! Next time you see me I will be a trainer!! IM SO PUMPED!!! Pray for me.. Read your scriptures, say your prayers, be a good example, and endure to the end! Smile all the while. You are all loved. BE GOOD AND DO GOOD!

​Until next time,
Sister K
Xoxo gospel squirrel.

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