Saturday, September 12, 2015

September 9, 2015 Thought You'd Seen the Last of Me!

Hey everyone! Its Wednesday if you couldn't tell! This whole Labor day holiday is a real bummer when you're a missionary. The library was closed Monday and Tuesday. Lame. Still thankful for the army, navy, air-force and marines though. Thanks guys. This last week was great though! Let me tell you all about it! EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT!

First of all, I'm cold. Seriously though I'm dying over here. I am realizing I'm not as tough as I once thought I was. I'm definitely from Arizona. In the mornings we go running and it's been way cold out. I love that I get to run though! The whole workout video thing really doesn't work for me. Hate those. Every morning after we get ready to do studies I freeze to death and wrap myself up in all of my blankets. We found a hot tea mix in the cupboard that Sister Johnson and I have been warming ourselves with. Now as for the tea, its herbal. Cool your jets.
We went to a member's house this week to help her clean after she had helped us out a ton with a less active member. Her daughter, Audrey, loved us. She kept asking if we could stay and watch a movie with her. They had some good movies too. Probs the hardest thing I've done since I got here was turn that offer down. She's adorable. She had a "Future Missionary" name tag so we had to take a picture of course.
We may get transferred soon and I don't know if I will be leaving Arlington or not so we are making an effort in taking more pictures with the people here. This is Sister Permenter. We teach her every week and she is the sweetest lady you'll ever meet. She has like 5 dogs in her little trailer home and I am in love with a little black lab puppy they have so I had to include her in the pic. Memories. So precious.
​This is Sister Alejandre. She is hilarious and she is one of my "Mission Mom's". She takes such good care of us and helps us out a ton with our investigators. Her son, Dominique, is the biggest gentleman I think I have ever met. What a lady killer. Sister Alejandre is also dutch so she's got a really cool, thick, Dutch accent. Wow I love them.
Oh my goodness. I am so excited to tell you about Elvi. She is an older woman with dementia that we visit at the hospital. Her insurance doesn't cover a senior home so the hoapital is letting her rent a room there. Very sad situation. She is from the Philippines and you can barely understand her but when you do, you will die laughing. This last time we visited her we painted her nails sparkly pink. She would not stop staring at them and then as we walked her back to her room she showed them off to everyone we passed. So cute. We usually take her out to the Garden at the hospital and just chat with her while we look out at the mountains. We gave her her very own Book of Mormon and she quickly grabbed it and said "OOOO!!! I LOVE IT HONEY!!" She then began to hug it and kiss it repeatedly. I wish everyone reacted that way when we hand out Books of Mormon.. Isn't she the cutest???
We were weekly planning this week and it started to hail outside! I did the classic joke, "WHAT THE HAIL??!!" and Sister Johnson laughed. Success. Lots of thanks to dad for that joke.
I finally went shopping!! Still no winter coats yet.. Bummer..

Well, I love you all so much! I can't tell you how much I missed hearing from you all until today! I am sorry again if I don't get back to your emails this week but I've only got an hour! BE COURAGEOUS! share the happy message that you have. Spread the love and ruin Satan's day! LOVE YOU!! SEND ME LETTERS!!! I LOVE THEM!!! I WILL ANSWER YOU!!

P.O. Box 13390
Mill Creek WA 98082

Double peace. Swag. Have a GREAT week!
Sister Beccaroni

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