Monday, June 27, 2016

June 27, 2016 "There is Nothing to Say"

I'm not kidding guys, I have like nothing to say about this week it has been so average it makes me laugh. I think the most eventful parts of this week was our last zone conference we had on Wednesday with President and Sister Bonham. We are all super duper pooper bummed about it. We get our new mission President and his wife on Thursday but I'm also pretty excited to meet the Wildings as well. They seem like really great people. I only have 6 months left so I'll see the Bonhams soon anyway. I love them. 

I'm feeling really old lately too. A lot of my close mission friends are going home or have gone home already so soon it'll be me and a buncha babies. I'll have my home squirrels Sis T and N till the end so we're all good. I'll also be on the plane home with Sister Packer (my MTC comp) so I'll be okay.  

 Anyway, back to Zone Conference, Sister Bonham texted me the day before and asked if I would figure out a musical number to do for it so I was trying to find anyone that could play the piano. Out of my whole zone we don't have even one missionary that can play piano. So I had to go up the chain of missionaries to see if anyone in the Marysville zone could play and luckily they had one. Hermana Harmer played for me and I grabbed Sister Thomas to sing with me so we got that all worked out. That was fun. Last week when we had our Zone meeting it was only our zone (the one with no piano players) so I ended up sort of playing "Choose the Right" for everyone and can you guess how it sounded?? It sounded like a burnt piece of toast okay. It was better than nothing though so three cheers for Sister K. 

You know what's extra sad about this week is that this was the only picture taken and it was on Sister Pickup's camera. sneak attack for sure. Love her. 
I guess I should tell you some of the miracles we saw this week. We found three new investigators and last week we found two so we are building our pool of teaching here and we are excited! Everyone here is really happy and excited for sisters and the things that we can contribute to this area. I love it here on Camano and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else! 

I will leave you all with a pretty cool thing that happened on Sunday during sacrament meeting. So usually in every meeting the sacrament is passed very first before any talks are given or before any musical numbers. This is the usual. That will have to change if someone forgets to bring the bread for the sacrament. haha That is what happened this Sunday and there was a bit of anxiety in the congregation about whether the bread would get there in time.  Luckily Brother Powell saved the day and all was well but all before that we got to hear some talks given first. It was kind of cool to have the layout of the meeting change and it made me think a little bit more about the sacrament and how important it really is. I thought about how amazing it is that we are able to take it every Sunday and recommit with Heavenly Father to do our best and follow the example of his son, Jesus Christ. We can do this every week and continue to become more and more like him. It was nice to have a little moment of anxiety about the bread to help me remember that again. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is just so genius that it makes me want to scream at people to help them understand it better. Faith in jesus Christ, repentance, baptism (taking sacrament to renew those promises), receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. This process that the Lord has given us is fool proof I tell ya! Just endure life well and he will exalt you on high. I love you all and pray for you often. have an awesome week!
Sista Krummeknock your socks off

Monday, June 20, 2016

June 20, 2016 "Uneventful...Sorry"

So we really didn't do much this week. We had Zone Meeting on Wednesday where Sister Pickup and I got to instruct on loving the people. Thats easy stuff here on Camano. These people are FANTASTIC. I was blown away by how missionary minded they are and I'm just so grateful to be here. We found two new investigators this week which was great. we also went on exchanges with our STLs. I got to stay on Camano with Sister Herr ( I LOVE HERR.. lol) and Sister Pickup Picked up her stuff (lol again) and went to Lake Stevens for the day with Sister Loertcher (Don't quote me on that spelling) Exchanges are always a blast and a half. Sister Herr and I ordered a pizza and we called the pizza place and they already knew our address and everything because apparently there have been quite a few calls from the Elders to the pizza place. hahaha we thought that was hilarious. We threw our own little Saturday night pizza party and went CrAzAy!!!!! We actually just ate pizza and then went to teach some more people. Moral of the story, exchanges are fun.
A member in our ward has SWINGS IN HER BASEMENT. SWINGS. IN THE BASEMENT. It was a swingin good time if ya know what I mean.
Second coming clouds are alive and well here on Camano Island. Jesus paid us a visit the other day. It was nice.
 Found this cool bird that balances on anything. I've been having some fun putting it different places around the house. It's like magic. You can also see my puzzle on the floor in the background. Its a Winnie the Pooh puzzle that I made Sister Pickup get out of the car in the rain and grab out of a "FREE" pile on the road for me. Worth it. I'm making some good progress there. I'll send you updates as soon as I can.
BEST PART OF MY WEEK FOR SURE WAS THESE STINKIN PUPPIES LIKE ARE YOU KIDDING ME LOOK AT THEM. I talked with the member  who owns them for a while about puppies and how they actually make me a little emotional and she said that it's totally scientific. Puppies+Sis K=Tears
Sister K and P selfie. Together we are KP. aka Kim Possible. "So what's the sitch?" We still live by the water so I am just feeling like the luckiest missionary ever. This place is crazy. I love Washington. 
​Well, I told you, not a very eventful week but I'll try harder next week okay? Love you all! Go be happy and find some puppies to cry about. BYYEE!!
Sister Krummenpuppy

Monday, June 13, 2016

June 13, 2016 "What the HECKY is Goin On?"

WHATAWEEK! This has been one of the craziest weeks of my whole mission. Let's start with Tuesday- The day of transfers. As you already know, Sister Barr and I were replaced with Elders on South Whidbey Island and we were pretty darn bummed about it. I was actually just a little frustrated and didn't know why the heck that would happen. Nevertheless, We packed up all our things, said goodbye to the bunnies, deer friends, investigators, and ward and  took our last ferry ride outta there. 
So Sister Barr and I took our last few moments together singing and dancing to our favorite church jams all the way to the mission office where we then found out where we were getting shipped off to. DRUMROLL PLEASE............
CAMANO ISLAND!!! And my new companion is Sister Pickup!
aaaaand... We are whitewashing in! hahaha I don't know what I'm doing hahahaha We have replaced the Elders here. Elders have been on Camano Island for at least 20 years and hardly anybody in the ward can remember a time when there were sisters. Everyone is super pumped about it and so are we! The only downside is that WE HAVE NO CLUE WHAT WE ARE DOING. haha It's been hard to figure out where to go and what to do without someone who has been in the area to guide us through it but we are just learning as we go and it's actually kinda nice to not feel like we need to know everything. It's been really good. We got to our new apartment and as soon as we walked in we could tell that Elders have been living in it since the land before time. It reeked of boy. It still kinda reeks of boy. We have been spending all of our extra time cleaning and spicin' the place up. Here are just a few of our great finds:

Elder 1-"Brah, hey Brah, hand me my pre-workout Brah" 
Elder 2-"Braaaaahh"
Elder 1- "We're gonna have to get some more ice cream on Monday, man"

Actually kinda funny-
Elder 2- "What energy drinks should we buy this week to complete our collection dude?"
Elder 1- "I already spent all my money this month on all those colorful mid-calf socks brah"

So most of what we have been doing this week has been trying to get to know the area, the members, the investigators, and so on and so forth. It's been great though! I am already in love with this ward! We were asked to speak in church yesterday and we both just got to talk about our missions. I've just been feeling really sentimental lately. More of the reason why is because of Friday.
On Friday we had a mission wide conference but the whole mission only met together for a picture and then for the actual conference the mission was split but we sat down in the chapel for the meeting and I looked around and realized that every single one of my past companions (minus Sis. Packer & West..) were sitting on the same bench. It made me a little emotional actually. I am just realizing just how long I've actually been on my mission and it's makin me a bit sad. Its crazy. Missions are seriously the greatest. Ya'll should try it. We obviously had to take a picture because that would have been stupid not to. I LOVE THESE PEOPLE!
Something that's also crazy and exciting is that my babies are companions now and I hate them. Jk I love them. They said they are going to make a shrine for me in their apartment. I am in love with these two Sister Nail Salon and Sista T 4 eva.

​Now for a little bit about my new comp, Sister Pickup truck! woo!! 
Sister Pickup is super sweet and I already love her. This was taken at a members house where we made smores. yum.

 We actually had quite an awesome week of teaching. We found three new investigators already! We found two of them while we were tracting with the zone leaders. We knocked on a door and a woman answered and said that if she had questions about the church that she would just ask some of her family members who were Mormons. She seemed really nice and as soon as she opened the door I felt like she was someone we should be talking to. As soon as she turned us down I said "You can say no, but you seem really nice and I really need to use the bathroom. Could I possibly use yours?". Immediately she let us in, let me use her bathroom and Sister Pickup began teaching the Restoration. Smooth, I know. I came out of the bathroom, joined in with her and we taught her and her 15 year old daughter who started asking really great questions. She got out her calendar and scheduled a time for us to come back! It was awesome and totally guided by the spirit. We teach them on Thursday :) 

I love Camano island already and I am so excited to see what happens here. I love you all and I know more than ever before that the Lord knows so much more than I do. I know that this is exactly where I need to be and I have felt the biggest confirmation of that ever since I got here. God is good :) Have a great week!!

Sister Krummenacher
​(aka Island Princess)

Monday, June 6, 2016

June 6, 2016 "Hey Everybody! It's the Birthday Brat!

Thank you all for the birthday wishes and packages and letters! You are all amazing. I have the best support system. So this week was full of highs and lows and it started with the most amazing week of teaching. We found 3 new investigators in two days, two of which already want to be baptized.. haha and we got to teach a lot of our less active members. We also have more miles now because it's a new month so that has been amazing. Thursday night was leadership calls and Sister Barr and I didn't get assigned to anything so we just figured Sister Barr would be transferred and I would get a new companion.  Friday came along and during our planning for the week we got a call from the assistants letting us know that our area is getting whitewashed which means that both Sister Barr and I are getting voted off the Island and they are replacing us with Elders. That was a little rough to hear but the Lord knows more than I do so I'm going to trust him on this one. So there was a low but on Saturday was another high because RODGER GOT BAPTIZED!! I got to go to Mount Vernon and see Sister Nelson and the whole Mount Vernon gang! All of my favorite people were there and it was just awesome. Rodger was a completely different man. It is so cool to see the change that has happened in him. Wow I love these people. 
Something also pretty hilarious is Dan, (remember Dan, the guy who took a nose dive for the sidewalk?) he has apparently been coming to church every single week since that last Sunday I was there when he came and that whole fiasco happened. haha! He was at the baptism and he wants to be baptized as well! Pray that he can quit smoking! That seems to be Satan's favorite road block for everyone in Mount Vernon!
As for Sunday, I TURNED 21!! I'm so old now aren't I? I still feel like such a baby. Maybe because I am. Everyone at church was awesome and the Jaeger family threw me a little birthday party. 
It was great. They are the sweetest people ever. I'm going to miss them a lot.
Action shot.

So like I said I got a billion packages this week so I had to take a picture of me with my loot and me sporting some of my wonderful gifts. Ya'll are my favorite.
I don't know if you could see them in that last picture but two of my packages were two big fat boxes full of (you guessed it..) CRAISINS from Marcela and the kids from Webster Elementary School where I worked before my mission. hahaha I opened them with my district and I laughed so hard when I saw that all that was in the first box were craisins and then I opened the second box with everyone there and it was also full of craisins. I was laughing so hard I almost peed my pants and nobody could understand why someone would send me so many craisins. I will never get rid of these things. thank you so much Marcela.
Sister Nelson gave me this framed picture of us and I love it. She got the frame for free at the friendship house. Haha!

I was definitely spoiled this week.

Now after the high of my birthday, I got to say goodbye to some people here on Whidbey Island. One of the Investigators that we are teaching is Ashlee and I love her so much. We told her and her mother in law (who I also love so much) on Sunday about how we are being replaced by elders and it was just sad. We got home Sunday night and they showed up at our house and brought me a card and some cupcakes. I am so sad that I don't get to teach her. Super super lame I can't stand it. 
We also said goodbye to Kit who is a 95 year old woman in our ward. She is the cutest thing ever. I love her. So much wisdom in this woman. We have had some really great conversations with her.
​I am really sad to be leaving South Whidbey island so soon but I know that the Lord has a good plan for my mission and where I am most needed. I'm excited to see all my favorites at transfers! It will be great! Love you!
Sista K