Monday, June 27, 2016

June 27, 2016 "There is Nothing to Say"

I'm not kidding guys, I have like nothing to say about this week it has been so average it makes me laugh. I think the most eventful parts of this week was our last zone conference we had on Wednesday with President and Sister Bonham. We are all super duper pooper bummed about it. We get our new mission President and his wife on Thursday but I'm also pretty excited to meet the Wildings as well. They seem like really great people. I only have 6 months left so I'll see the Bonhams soon anyway. I love them. 

I'm feeling really old lately too. A lot of my close mission friends are going home or have gone home already so soon it'll be me and a buncha babies. I'll have my home squirrels Sis T and N till the end so we're all good. I'll also be on the plane home with Sister Packer (my MTC comp) so I'll be okay.  

 Anyway, back to Zone Conference, Sister Bonham texted me the day before and asked if I would figure out a musical number to do for it so I was trying to find anyone that could play the piano. Out of my whole zone we don't have even one missionary that can play piano. So I had to go up the chain of missionaries to see if anyone in the Marysville zone could play and luckily they had one. Hermana Harmer played for me and I grabbed Sister Thomas to sing with me so we got that all worked out. That was fun. Last week when we had our Zone meeting it was only our zone (the one with no piano players) so I ended up sort of playing "Choose the Right" for everyone and can you guess how it sounded?? It sounded like a burnt piece of toast okay. It was better than nothing though so three cheers for Sister K. 

You know what's extra sad about this week is that this was the only picture taken and it was on Sister Pickup's camera. sneak attack for sure. Love her. 
I guess I should tell you some of the miracles we saw this week. We found three new investigators and last week we found two so we are building our pool of teaching here and we are excited! Everyone here is really happy and excited for sisters and the things that we can contribute to this area. I love it here on Camano and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else! 

I will leave you all with a pretty cool thing that happened on Sunday during sacrament meeting. So usually in every meeting the sacrament is passed very first before any talks are given or before any musical numbers. This is the usual. That will have to change if someone forgets to bring the bread for the sacrament. haha That is what happened this Sunday and there was a bit of anxiety in the congregation about whether the bread would get there in time.  Luckily Brother Powell saved the day and all was well but all before that we got to hear some talks given first. It was kind of cool to have the layout of the meeting change and it made me think a little bit more about the sacrament and how important it really is. I thought about how amazing it is that we are able to take it every Sunday and recommit with Heavenly Father to do our best and follow the example of his son, Jesus Christ. We can do this every week and continue to become more and more like him. It was nice to have a little moment of anxiety about the bread to help me remember that again. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is just so genius that it makes me want to scream at people to help them understand it better. Faith in jesus Christ, repentance, baptism (taking sacrament to renew those promises), receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. This process that the Lord has given us is fool proof I tell ya! Just endure life well and he will exalt you on high. I love you all and pray for you often. have an awesome week!
Sista Krummeknock your socks off

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