Monday, June 13, 2016

June 13, 2016 "What the HECKY is Goin On?"

WHATAWEEK! This has been one of the craziest weeks of my whole mission. Let's start with Tuesday- The day of transfers. As you already know, Sister Barr and I were replaced with Elders on South Whidbey Island and we were pretty darn bummed about it. I was actually just a little frustrated and didn't know why the heck that would happen. Nevertheless, We packed up all our things, said goodbye to the bunnies, deer friends, investigators, and ward and  took our last ferry ride outta there. 
So Sister Barr and I took our last few moments together singing and dancing to our favorite church jams all the way to the mission office where we then found out where we were getting shipped off to. DRUMROLL PLEASE............
CAMANO ISLAND!!! And my new companion is Sister Pickup!
aaaaand... We are whitewashing in! hahaha I don't know what I'm doing hahahaha We have replaced the Elders here. Elders have been on Camano Island for at least 20 years and hardly anybody in the ward can remember a time when there were sisters. Everyone is super pumped about it and so are we! The only downside is that WE HAVE NO CLUE WHAT WE ARE DOING. haha It's been hard to figure out where to go and what to do without someone who has been in the area to guide us through it but we are just learning as we go and it's actually kinda nice to not feel like we need to know everything. It's been really good. We got to our new apartment and as soon as we walked in we could tell that Elders have been living in it since the land before time. It reeked of boy. It still kinda reeks of boy. We have been spending all of our extra time cleaning and spicin' the place up. Here are just a few of our great finds:

Elder 1-"Brah, hey Brah, hand me my pre-workout Brah" 
Elder 2-"Braaaaahh"
Elder 1- "We're gonna have to get some more ice cream on Monday, man"

Actually kinda funny-
Elder 2- "What energy drinks should we buy this week to complete our collection dude?"
Elder 1- "I already spent all my money this month on all those colorful mid-calf socks brah"

So most of what we have been doing this week has been trying to get to know the area, the members, the investigators, and so on and so forth. It's been great though! I am already in love with this ward! We were asked to speak in church yesterday and we both just got to talk about our missions. I've just been feeling really sentimental lately. More of the reason why is because of Friday.
On Friday we had a mission wide conference but the whole mission only met together for a picture and then for the actual conference the mission was split but we sat down in the chapel for the meeting and I looked around and realized that every single one of my past companions (minus Sis. Packer & West..) were sitting on the same bench. It made me a little emotional actually. I am just realizing just how long I've actually been on my mission and it's makin me a bit sad. Its crazy. Missions are seriously the greatest. Ya'll should try it. We obviously had to take a picture because that would have been stupid not to. I LOVE THESE PEOPLE!
Something that's also crazy and exciting is that my babies are companions now and I hate them. Jk I love them. They said they are going to make a shrine for me in their apartment. I am in love with these two Sister Nail Salon and Sista T 4 eva.

​Now for a little bit about my new comp, Sister Pickup truck! woo!! 
Sister Pickup is super sweet and I already love her. This was taken at a members house where we made smores. yum.

 We actually had quite an awesome week of teaching. We found three new investigators already! We found two of them while we were tracting with the zone leaders. We knocked on a door and a woman answered and said that if she had questions about the church that she would just ask some of her family members who were Mormons. She seemed really nice and as soon as she opened the door I felt like she was someone we should be talking to. As soon as she turned us down I said "You can say no, but you seem really nice and I really need to use the bathroom. Could I possibly use yours?". Immediately she let us in, let me use her bathroom and Sister Pickup began teaching the Restoration. Smooth, I know. I came out of the bathroom, joined in with her and we taught her and her 15 year old daughter who started asking really great questions. She got out her calendar and scheduled a time for us to come back! It was awesome and totally guided by the spirit. We teach them on Thursday :) 

I love Camano island already and I am so excited to see what happens here. I love you all and I know more than ever before that the Lord knows so much more than I do. I know that this is exactly where I need to be and I have felt the biggest confirmation of that ever since I got here. God is good :) Have a great week!!

Sister Krummenacher
​(aka Island Princess)

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