Monday, June 6, 2016

June 6, 2016 "Hey Everybody! It's the Birthday Brat!

Thank you all for the birthday wishes and packages and letters! You are all amazing. I have the best support system. So this week was full of highs and lows and it started with the most amazing week of teaching. We found 3 new investigators in two days, two of which already want to be baptized.. haha and we got to teach a lot of our less active members. We also have more miles now because it's a new month so that has been amazing. Thursday night was leadership calls and Sister Barr and I didn't get assigned to anything so we just figured Sister Barr would be transferred and I would get a new companion.  Friday came along and during our planning for the week we got a call from the assistants letting us know that our area is getting whitewashed which means that both Sister Barr and I are getting voted off the Island and they are replacing us with Elders. That was a little rough to hear but the Lord knows more than I do so I'm going to trust him on this one. So there was a low but on Saturday was another high because RODGER GOT BAPTIZED!! I got to go to Mount Vernon and see Sister Nelson and the whole Mount Vernon gang! All of my favorite people were there and it was just awesome. Rodger was a completely different man. It is so cool to see the change that has happened in him. Wow I love these people. 
Something also pretty hilarious is Dan, (remember Dan, the guy who took a nose dive for the sidewalk?) he has apparently been coming to church every single week since that last Sunday I was there when he came and that whole fiasco happened. haha! He was at the baptism and he wants to be baptized as well! Pray that he can quit smoking! That seems to be Satan's favorite road block for everyone in Mount Vernon!
As for Sunday, I TURNED 21!! I'm so old now aren't I? I still feel like such a baby. Maybe because I am. Everyone at church was awesome and the Jaeger family threw me a little birthday party. 
It was great. They are the sweetest people ever. I'm going to miss them a lot.
Action shot.

So like I said I got a billion packages this week so I had to take a picture of me with my loot and me sporting some of my wonderful gifts. Ya'll are my favorite.
I don't know if you could see them in that last picture but two of my packages were two big fat boxes full of (you guessed it..) CRAISINS from Marcela and the kids from Webster Elementary School where I worked before my mission. hahaha I opened them with my district and I laughed so hard when I saw that all that was in the first box were craisins and then I opened the second box with everyone there and it was also full of craisins. I was laughing so hard I almost peed my pants and nobody could understand why someone would send me so many craisins. I will never get rid of these things. thank you so much Marcela.
Sister Nelson gave me this framed picture of us and I love it. She got the frame for free at the friendship house. Haha!

I was definitely spoiled this week.

Now after the high of my birthday, I got to say goodbye to some people here on Whidbey Island. One of the Investigators that we are teaching is Ashlee and I love her so much. We told her and her mother in law (who I also love so much) on Sunday about how we are being replaced by elders and it was just sad. We got home Sunday night and they showed up at our house and brought me a card and some cupcakes. I am so sad that I don't get to teach her. Super super lame I can't stand it. 
We also said goodbye to Kit who is a 95 year old woman in our ward. She is the cutest thing ever. I love her. So much wisdom in this woman. We have had some really great conversations with her.
​I am really sad to be leaving South Whidbey island so soon but I know that the Lord has a good plan for my mission and where I am most needed. I'm excited to see all my favorites at transfers! It will be great! Love you!
Sista K

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