Monday, August 24, 2015

August 24, 2015 Week 8?

I think it's week 8. Don't quote me on that. HEY GUYS!! What a week. Seriously it was so great. I didn't know I could feel this happy! Turns out I can! AND YOU CAN TOO! Just read your scriptures, pray, and help someone out. Seriously, it's the best.

Luckily there was no bee this week but Satan attacks in a lot of different forms. This week it was through food. Sister Johnson and I made it our companion goal on Saturday that we would not eat any sweets. Literally hours after we made that goal, we went to our ward's Mongolian Grill party and I swear all of our conversations were at or very near the dessert table. The dessert table was not lacking either. Fear not, I did not break. As we left the party, a random guy I had never met handed us some peppermint patties and it honestly felt like some kind of drug deal. It was quiet and quick (kinda like Satan). But yet again, Sister Krummenacher did not break. We taught a few lessons and went home that same night to plan and go to bed. As I was washing my face, I heard a knock on the door and Sister Johnson answered to find a cute little couple asking for me. I went to the door, and it was my dear cousin Tate and his beautiful wife Cali!!! AHHH!! SO CRAZY! Hello Hubers! I love ya! It was weird to see some familiar faces at my apartment! haha. My family loves me too much because they were armed with cookies, ice cream, and chocolate. Food is in abundance over here. Especially with the package I also received from home this week. I love food too much. This is a problem. I haven't broken yet, but I will give you an update on that next week. Pray for me. \
pic: just some of the bounteous gifts this week. (Not included: the huge bag of caramel corn, two bags of cookies, and big loaf of zucchini bread that people in the ward give us)
Hope you don't think I'm not grateful... It makes me so happy to think how much people care about us. I LOVE OUR WARD!! They just feed us so much. Finally we put " NO DESSERTS PLEASE!" on our "feed the missionaries" sign up sheet. I'm fighting back with some carrots. Living the Word of Wisdom to its fullest potential. See Below.
Sister Johnson and I made another cake! This time it was Elder Tempest's Birthday. He loves golf, so we had some fun decorating this one.
Wanna see my apartment? I thought I would take a nice picture of our main living quarters last night to give you a bit of a tour. Our apartment is one of the nicest ones I guess. That's what they tell me at least.. Its super plain, but it gets the job done. Just a whole lot of pictures of Jesus and stuff. Its awesome. Also, there are very few times we are actually sitting around on these recliner. Just Pdays pretty much. I love my recliner though. Great for pday naps and such. I would greatly recommend this nasty brown recliner chair. Find one in a Best Buy near you.
The sunflower made friends!
On a more spiritual note, this week was amazing. When I first got here, we were teaching an older woman in downtown Arlington. She lives home alone with her dog Mona. She is the cutest woman ever. After two lessons with her, she went through some really difficult things and she asked to stop meeting with us for a while. Being the missionaries we are, we didn't give up on her. we would pray for her every night together and left little notes and treats at her door. On Tuesday, I felt like we should go see her. We knocked on the door, and to our surprise she let us in! She was crying hysterically and we sat down with her. We felt impressed to start reading the Book of Mormon with her. It was almost instantly after we started reading, that she began to calm down. The Book of Mormon is amazing. We had a few more lessons very similar to that one throughout the week and she came to church on Sunday! I sat next to her and was singing the hymns with her. She loved it. She said " I really like this church" under her breathe and then told us that we were really helping her with her depression. I told her that it wasn't us at all and she said, "I know that, but you are helping me get there". That is exactly what we are doing. That is what makes me so happy. You can just see the change that is happening in her as we teach her. She is so much happier and it makes me so happy to see that I can show people the way to that happiness. Share the gospel people! It makes you so happy I promise! I mean look at how happy sister J and I are:
I will leave you with a quote that the Beehives put on some pillow cases that they made for us this week. It says "If ye have a desire to serve, ye are called to the work". I promise you that that is so true. You are called to the work. GO FORWARD IN FAITH! Be an example to those around you and share this happy, happy message! I love you all!

Your Homie Sis K

Monday, August 17, 2015

August 17, 2015 Hello, Hello, Hello!

​I have realized that I haven't told you all much about Arlington. Just that it is a lil hotter than I thought it would be. Luckily, it is starting to rain a lot more and it is a lot cooler! not sure how this AZ queen B is gonna survive when winter comes along, but I will cope. Arlington is hilarious. It is a small town but nobody here thinks it is. I feel like a city girl coming from Mesa, Arizona and its not even all that city-ish.
To give you a little idea of this small town called Arlington, I saw the front page article in the news the other day and I laughed out loud. The front page story was about how they moved a beaver. hahaha there's a picture and everything. There's something about the statement "BEAVER MOVED" that makes me so happy to see it on the front page of a newspaper.
Another thing about Arlington, and I'm guessing most of Washington, is that we get fog! It's super cool and the picture doesn't do it much justice but It was sweet driving through it to church yesterday.
I love making Sister Johnson laugh, and a sure- fire way to do that is whenever we pass this sign. The sign reads:

 The first time we passed the sign I said, "WHO'S GONNA BUY A 350 DOLLAR VANILLA LATTE?!?"  now everytime we pass it I say something like "oh look, they still haven't sold that $350 vanilla latte" or "Wow can't believe nobody wants to buy a $350 dollar vanilla latte" Sister Johnson gives me a good reaction so I don't think that joke will get old any time soon.
We were tracting this week and came across a house with this on the front porch. I was super excited to see who would answer it and was surprised to find that it was an old, white man. I told him I liked his sign and he told us he wasn't interested. Awesome experience.
So many of you at home know that I like to look for what I call "Second coming clouds". This name refers to clouds I see that look like Jesus could be coming down from heaven in them. I find a ton of second coming clouds here. It was a lot more fun in AZ when it was a little more rare to even find clouds in the sky, let alone a second coming cloud. Still super pretty though. Here's a second coming cloud I found this week
​Random pic: Sister J and Sister K selfie waitin for a lesson at the church building
​As weird as Arlington is with it's vast fields of green and corn, I love it! I am definitely blessed to be here.
HAHA so if you read my last email, you would have read about my little bee sting incident. WELL, let me tell ya, I must be super sweet or something because I was a quick stick away from another bee sting this week. We went back to THE SAME COTTAGE HOUSE, and knocked on THE SAME COTTAGE HOUSE DOOR, and a bee straight up flew in my hair and got stuck in there. It was hilarious because when we pulled up to the house, I saw someone inside and I think they went upstairs once they saw us coming but we knocked anyway and when the bee flew in my hair, I started jumping and flipping my hair like crazy for like 3 minutes straight because the dang thing wouldn't get outta there so we probably looked like a bunch of loons jumping around and screaming because there was a bee in my hair. Sister Johnson's comment "I think it's trying to sting you" did not help the cause. Funny stuff. Probably wont go back. Satan even works with bees I guess. HE WORKS WITH MOSQUITOS AND SPIDERS TOOO!! The other night we had a lesson at the park with one of our investigators and we started to get attacked by mosquitos but luckily, the spirit was there. haha our investigator started to scratch his back against the wood beam and he looked like a bear.. super funny. We also were going to bed last night and found a bunch of baby spiders hangin out in our kitchen and we freaked out. Crazy stuff.

We went back to the Alpaca house and we got a lesson with the people there! They are the sweetest older couple and the wife is less-active and the husband is not a member. THIS LADY WAS SO SWEET. She had a huge box full of these scarfs that she makes for fun and told us to take a bunch home with us. I modeled them for you all to get the full effect of these beauties. People give us presents all the time. I think they like us here.
oops! almost forgot! my favorite scarf!


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

August 10, 2015 Wowzas

Hello friends and family! I love you all! Every week feels like a month every time I look back on it.
At the beginning of this week, Sister Johnson and I painted a house blue! It was great great fun and If you look closely, you might be able to see the blue paint in my hair. My hair is growing way long again. Not too surprised though. Can't be tamed.
The Alpaca farm people weren't home the first time sister Stanley and I went, so I decided to show sister Johnson a thing or two about the ways of the Alpacas. They are straight up mean though! I got annoyed that they wouldn't let me near them without them freaking out and acting like they were going to spit on my so instead, I just started to stomp my feet super loud and dance and sing to them. That really showed them who's boss. (not really, I probably just looked like a dingus) By the way, they were not home again so this may not be the last of the Alpacas. Could be a trilogy! (third photo: one had a bucket stuck around it's neck. Poor lil beasty)

Remember how that old lady kept blocking my picture of the GINORMOUS sunflower in her yard? Well we passed it the other day and it was facing right towards us so we had to pause for a pic. Joan is the lady's name that owns this monster sunflower. She's hilarious. We are hoping to baptize the heck outta her. I'll let you know how it goes.
I almost died. The other night we were tracting in an area and came to this super cute cottage house and the lady that answered was seriously the cutest little thing ever. She was about 4 feet tall and said in her adorable squeaky voice "I PROMISE YOU I'M FORTY YEARS OLD". I cant say I didn't doubt that. we taught her a little about the restoration and I asked when we could come back to share more. She said anytime! so we were pumped! Something you learn on your mission is to not get too excited about anything because the Lord humbles you real quick. Just as we walked away, I felt something on my foot. A stinky little bee stung my stinky little foot and got stuck in my shoe laces. My foot swelled up a little bit but we kept working. Work til you're dead! That's my new motto.
A cute little old man at the trailer park in tight short shorts stopped us on our way to a lesson and picked a flower for us. Perks of being a Sister missionary I guess.
Speaking of trailer parks, I saw this sign on the fence there and I thought it was funny. Punctuation is important.
Oh my Dalla. So we have a less active woman in our ward and her name is Dalla. She is the sweetest little lady you will ever meet. We had a super cool experience this week with her. We were pretty frustrated all day because all of our lessons were falling through and none of our plans seemed to be working out. We finally just got the feeling that we should skip some of our plans we made and go see Dalla. We pulled up to her house and we smelt something burning so we ran over there and there was a bunch of smoke billowing out of her windows and door. We ran inside and she was yelling "I BURNT THE SUGAR! I'VE DONE IT AGAIN, I BURNT THE SUGAR!!"  It was almost impossible to breathe in there. She said she was about to pass out. We helped her to get some fans going and get all the smoke out and in the meantime we sat outside with her and began to teach her. She started to open up to us a lot and told us that she was really glad that we came right then. She had been having some difficulties and challenges with her family and we were able to help her with that. The whole experience was super humbling. Although I was upset that all of our plans were falling through, The Lord knew where we needed to be at that time and for that I am so so grateful.
No, I will not be transferred this transfer because I have 6 more weeks of training with Sister Johnson but this morning our district had a breakfast and good ole Elder Thomas and Elder Lorensen are going to be leaving us :( sad day for our district. Love those guys.
This week was awesome! I have been so much better about just talking with literally everyone I see. The greatest joy comes from sharing the Gospel with those around us. It is even greater when that's all you do every day! I love it! Have an amazing week everyone!

Love, Sis K

Monday, August 3, 2015

August 3, 2015 Hey Bae


I hope you all understand that when I spell things like that, that I'm joking. Awesome. 

What did I do this week??
Oh yeah, on Tuesday I had my first exchange! It was seriously so much fun. I ended up staying in my area which was a lil scary because that made me the senior companion. Turns out I know my area a lot more than I thought I did! Yay. I was with Sister Stanley which was the greatest thing of my life because we are so alike. Sister Johnson was with Sister Daley and they are also very similar. We are all pretty much exact opposites. It was kinda nice to have a change like that. When sister Stanley and I were out tracting and doing lessons, it was crazy awesome. We ended up finding a ton of potential investigators and we also got two kids on date for baptism! IT WAS SWEET! haha we have an area in our mission where all of the houses are super spread out and stuff so that's where sister Stanley and I went. We decided to visit the house of a former investigator and we pulled into this long gravel road to a gated house. THERE WERE LIKE A MILLION ALPACAS! so great. we took pics.

Look at that white one. Can't decide if it gives me nightmares or sweet dreams (Sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare?)

Not much else happened this week.. We helped a less active family paint their house bright blue! There isn't a color out there that isn't on a house here in Arlington. Every neighborhood is a straight up rainbow. Also, I found this awesome mailbox while getting lost in the forest.
So they have a conference with all of the missionaries going home, and it was in our church building so we ran into everyone leaving. I finally got a picture with my fellow Mountain View Toro, Sister Perkinson. Go toros. It's weird to think that all of the people I graduated with are coming home now.. haha oops.
Oh hi Sister Johnson!

 We made a cake for Elder Leubke

IT'S HOT HERE! not too happy bout it. It's a different heat than good ole AZ. Its wet here. not a fan. also we don't have enough fans. no Ac either. Pretty sure the people here are going to die though because they are all saying they are getting heat stroke from it. People are cray cray. 
I guess it's getting close to the second coming. Seriously it feels like everyone we talk to brings up the rapture or end of the world or something. A guy told us that his friend told him that they were going to be sending all the missionaries home sometime in August because it was going to be the second coming. I guess I'll be seeing you guys soon then! this whole mission thing was fun while it lasted!

Not much else to report. Sorry for the boring week. I love you all! be an example of the beliebers! (Justin Beiber fan club)
Love, Home squirrel sister K

July 27, 2015 Whataweek!


You don't know how much I love all of you so much but wow I really do. Your emails get me so pumped to get to work in the week. 

Anyway, this week was GREAT! I may have said this already, but ever since I got here and met the ward, Sister Johnson and I have really worked on getting the ward excited about missionary work and also to get them to like us a lot. It has felt like our battle has been fought in vain, but this week we were really able to see a huge change in our ward overall. A ton of our less-actives came to church yesterday, and it's hard to get things done because everyone wants to talk to us so much. It's an awesome problem to have. 

Speaking of the ward and how awesome they are, we saw the biggest miracle this week. Last week we were worrying a lot about whether we would have enough money for food and such this week. We bought just a few things at the store to sort of get us through the week but Heavenly Father does not let his missionaries go hungry. haha you wouldn't believe how much random food came to us through the members and people we teach. After a lesson with the Carters, a less active family, Sister Carter randomly asked if we wanted some of her homemade grape jelly so we were like, "heck yeah" so she gave us that and then proceeded to fill a box full of apples, jelly and zucchini. The next day, sister Hensley stopped by and randomly gave us a TON of food from her house. On Friday, we taught the Carters again and she filled another box full of food and then on Saturday at the end of the day Sister Cook called us and told us she had a whole extra crock pot of roast and asked us if we wanted it so of course we said YES and she also gave us rolls and cookies. Now we have so much food that I don't even know what to do with myself. ITS AWESOME! I even took a picture and that's not even half of the food we got. holy cow we are blessed!
I have a ton of pictures from this week! It was great! We did a lot of tracting, and I keep walking past these mailboxes in a trailer park in our area and I had to get a pic. There are literally like 50 something mailboxes there. I call this picture: Mail Model
This week was also one for the books because I got my first Washington rain!!!! WOOOOO!!! I had to take a pic of that moment. I almost cried. It has been raining ever since and I love it. I'm also a lil cold but that's because I'm a little AZ baby.
​Another thing that was not very funny at the time but now it's hilarious is Sister Johnson and I went to the church to eat dinner so that we could save miles on our car so when we were leaving, we accidentally left the church/ car keys in the kitchen and got stuck in a little mud room corridor in the church. Luckily the Elders came and saved us and we later found out that Sisters aren't even allowed to be in the church alone anyway. Not fair. Maybe it's a good idea though? lol I call this pic: Trapped in the House of the Lord
I got to sing at the Come See for Yourself fireside yesterday!! It was one of the most amazing things I've done. The room was full of investigators and missionaries and I could see all my investigators in the congregation. I felt the spirit so strongly as I sand " I Stand All Amazed" and I felt like I was teaching as I sang. I can't even explain it. It was so cool. People came up to me after and told me how I had touched their hearts and missionaries were telling me how much their investigators liked it. I was so humbled to be able to sing and feel the immeasurable love that our Heavenly Father has for all of these people who are learning more about the gospel and gaining their own testimonies of the truth of it. Crazy awesome stuff. We were so pumped after the fireside so we took a quick happy picture together. yay.
I know the Lord loves us so much. Every day I talk to and teach people, the more and more I see that. We are so blessed. I love you all!!

Love, Sister K

P.S. We met this lady while tracting and she showed us her humungo sunflower and so we asked if we could take a picture but she wouldn't get out of the shot but I'm glad I got a pic of her she was hilarious.