Monday, August 24, 2015

August 24, 2015 Week 8?

I think it's week 8. Don't quote me on that. HEY GUYS!! What a week. Seriously it was so great. I didn't know I could feel this happy! Turns out I can! AND YOU CAN TOO! Just read your scriptures, pray, and help someone out. Seriously, it's the best.

Luckily there was no bee this week but Satan attacks in a lot of different forms. This week it was through food. Sister Johnson and I made it our companion goal on Saturday that we would not eat any sweets. Literally hours after we made that goal, we went to our ward's Mongolian Grill party and I swear all of our conversations were at or very near the dessert table. The dessert table was not lacking either. Fear not, I did not break. As we left the party, a random guy I had never met handed us some peppermint patties and it honestly felt like some kind of drug deal. It was quiet and quick (kinda like Satan). But yet again, Sister Krummenacher did not break. We taught a few lessons and went home that same night to plan and go to bed. As I was washing my face, I heard a knock on the door and Sister Johnson answered to find a cute little couple asking for me. I went to the door, and it was my dear cousin Tate and his beautiful wife Cali!!! AHHH!! SO CRAZY! Hello Hubers! I love ya! It was weird to see some familiar faces at my apartment! haha. My family loves me too much because they were armed with cookies, ice cream, and chocolate. Food is in abundance over here. Especially with the package I also received from home this week. I love food too much. This is a problem. I haven't broken yet, but I will give you an update on that next week. Pray for me. \
pic: just some of the bounteous gifts this week. (Not included: the huge bag of caramel corn, two bags of cookies, and big loaf of zucchini bread that people in the ward give us)
Hope you don't think I'm not grateful... It makes me so happy to think how much people care about us. I LOVE OUR WARD!! They just feed us so much. Finally we put " NO DESSERTS PLEASE!" on our "feed the missionaries" sign up sheet. I'm fighting back with some carrots. Living the Word of Wisdom to its fullest potential. See Below.
Sister Johnson and I made another cake! This time it was Elder Tempest's Birthday. He loves golf, so we had some fun decorating this one.
Wanna see my apartment? I thought I would take a nice picture of our main living quarters last night to give you a bit of a tour. Our apartment is one of the nicest ones I guess. That's what they tell me at least.. Its super plain, but it gets the job done. Just a whole lot of pictures of Jesus and stuff. Its awesome. Also, there are very few times we are actually sitting around on these recliner. Just Pdays pretty much. I love my recliner though. Great for pday naps and such. I would greatly recommend this nasty brown recliner chair. Find one in a Best Buy near you.
The sunflower made friends!
On a more spiritual note, this week was amazing. When I first got here, we were teaching an older woman in downtown Arlington. She lives home alone with her dog Mona. She is the cutest woman ever. After two lessons with her, she went through some really difficult things and she asked to stop meeting with us for a while. Being the missionaries we are, we didn't give up on her. we would pray for her every night together and left little notes and treats at her door. On Tuesday, I felt like we should go see her. We knocked on the door, and to our surprise she let us in! She was crying hysterically and we sat down with her. We felt impressed to start reading the Book of Mormon with her. It was almost instantly after we started reading, that she began to calm down. The Book of Mormon is amazing. We had a few more lessons very similar to that one throughout the week and she came to church on Sunday! I sat next to her and was singing the hymns with her. She loved it. She said " I really like this church" under her breathe and then told us that we were really helping her with her depression. I told her that it wasn't us at all and she said, "I know that, but you are helping me get there". That is exactly what we are doing. That is what makes me so happy. You can just see the change that is happening in her as we teach her. She is so much happier and it makes me so happy to see that I can show people the way to that happiness. Share the gospel people! It makes you so happy I promise! I mean look at how happy sister J and I are:
I will leave you with a quote that the Beehives put on some pillow cases that they made for us this week. It says "If ye have a desire to serve, ye are called to the work". I promise you that that is so true. You are called to the work. GO FORWARD IN FAITH! Be an example to those around you and share this happy, happy message! I love you all!

Your Homie Sis K

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