Monday, August 3, 2015

August 3, 2015 Hey Bae


I hope you all understand that when I spell things like that, that I'm joking. Awesome. 

What did I do this week??
Oh yeah, on Tuesday I had my first exchange! It was seriously so much fun. I ended up staying in my area which was a lil scary because that made me the senior companion. Turns out I know my area a lot more than I thought I did! Yay. I was with Sister Stanley which was the greatest thing of my life because we are so alike. Sister Johnson was with Sister Daley and they are also very similar. We are all pretty much exact opposites. It was kinda nice to have a change like that. When sister Stanley and I were out tracting and doing lessons, it was crazy awesome. We ended up finding a ton of potential investigators and we also got two kids on date for baptism! IT WAS SWEET! haha we have an area in our mission where all of the houses are super spread out and stuff so that's where sister Stanley and I went. We decided to visit the house of a former investigator and we pulled into this long gravel road to a gated house. THERE WERE LIKE A MILLION ALPACAS! so great. we took pics.

Look at that white one. Can't decide if it gives me nightmares or sweet dreams (Sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare?)

Not much else happened this week.. We helped a less active family paint their house bright blue! There isn't a color out there that isn't on a house here in Arlington. Every neighborhood is a straight up rainbow. Also, I found this awesome mailbox while getting lost in the forest.
So they have a conference with all of the missionaries going home, and it was in our church building so we ran into everyone leaving. I finally got a picture with my fellow Mountain View Toro, Sister Perkinson. Go toros. It's weird to think that all of the people I graduated with are coming home now.. haha oops.
Oh hi Sister Johnson!

 We made a cake for Elder Leubke

IT'S HOT HERE! not too happy bout it. It's a different heat than good ole AZ. Its wet here. not a fan. also we don't have enough fans. no Ac either. Pretty sure the people here are going to die though because they are all saying they are getting heat stroke from it. People are cray cray. 
I guess it's getting close to the second coming. Seriously it feels like everyone we talk to brings up the rapture or end of the world or something. A guy told us that his friend told him that they were going to be sending all the missionaries home sometime in August because it was going to be the second coming. I guess I'll be seeing you guys soon then! this whole mission thing was fun while it lasted!

Not much else to report. Sorry for the boring week. I love you all! be an example of the beliebers! (Justin Beiber fan club)
Love, Home squirrel sister K

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