Wednesday, August 12, 2015

August 10, 2015 Wowzas

Hello friends and family! I love you all! Every week feels like a month every time I look back on it.
At the beginning of this week, Sister Johnson and I painted a house blue! It was great great fun and If you look closely, you might be able to see the blue paint in my hair. My hair is growing way long again. Not too surprised though. Can't be tamed.
The Alpaca farm people weren't home the first time sister Stanley and I went, so I decided to show sister Johnson a thing or two about the ways of the Alpacas. They are straight up mean though! I got annoyed that they wouldn't let me near them without them freaking out and acting like they were going to spit on my so instead, I just started to stomp my feet super loud and dance and sing to them. That really showed them who's boss. (not really, I probably just looked like a dingus) By the way, they were not home again so this may not be the last of the Alpacas. Could be a trilogy! (third photo: one had a bucket stuck around it's neck. Poor lil beasty)

Remember how that old lady kept blocking my picture of the GINORMOUS sunflower in her yard? Well we passed it the other day and it was facing right towards us so we had to pause for a pic. Joan is the lady's name that owns this monster sunflower. She's hilarious. We are hoping to baptize the heck outta her. I'll let you know how it goes.
I almost died. The other night we were tracting in an area and came to this super cute cottage house and the lady that answered was seriously the cutest little thing ever. She was about 4 feet tall and said in her adorable squeaky voice "I PROMISE YOU I'M FORTY YEARS OLD". I cant say I didn't doubt that. we taught her a little about the restoration and I asked when we could come back to share more. She said anytime! so we were pumped! Something you learn on your mission is to not get too excited about anything because the Lord humbles you real quick. Just as we walked away, I felt something on my foot. A stinky little bee stung my stinky little foot and got stuck in my shoe laces. My foot swelled up a little bit but we kept working. Work til you're dead! That's my new motto.
A cute little old man at the trailer park in tight short shorts stopped us on our way to a lesson and picked a flower for us. Perks of being a Sister missionary I guess.
Speaking of trailer parks, I saw this sign on the fence there and I thought it was funny. Punctuation is important.
Oh my Dalla. So we have a less active woman in our ward and her name is Dalla. She is the sweetest little lady you will ever meet. We had a super cool experience this week with her. We were pretty frustrated all day because all of our lessons were falling through and none of our plans seemed to be working out. We finally just got the feeling that we should skip some of our plans we made and go see Dalla. We pulled up to her house and we smelt something burning so we ran over there and there was a bunch of smoke billowing out of her windows and door. We ran inside and she was yelling "I BURNT THE SUGAR! I'VE DONE IT AGAIN, I BURNT THE SUGAR!!"  It was almost impossible to breathe in there. She said she was about to pass out. We helped her to get some fans going and get all the smoke out and in the meantime we sat outside with her and began to teach her. She started to open up to us a lot and told us that she was really glad that we came right then. She had been having some difficulties and challenges with her family and we were able to help her with that. The whole experience was super humbling. Although I was upset that all of our plans were falling through, The Lord knew where we needed to be at that time and for that I am so so grateful.
No, I will not be transferred this transfer because I have 6 more weeks of training with Sister Johnson but this morning our district had a breakfast and good ole Elder Thomas and Elder Lorensen are going to be leaving us :( sad day for our district. Love those guys.
This week was awesome! I have been so much better about just talking with literally everyone I see. The greatest joy comes from sharing the Gospel with those around us. It is even greater when that's all you do every day! I love it! Have an amazing week everyone!

Love, Sis K

1 comment:

  1. She is such an awesome missionary! I love her positive spirit even when being eaten alive with bugs. Way to go!
