Monday, August 3, 2015

July 27, 2015 Whataweek!


You don't know how much I love all of you so much but wow I really do. Your emails get me so pumped to get to work in the week. 

Anyway, this week was GREAT! I may have said this already, but ever since I got here and met the ward, Sister Johnson and I have really worked on getting the ward excited about missionary work and also to get them to like us a lot. It has felt like our battle has been fought in vain, but this week we were really able to see a huge change in our ward overall. A ton of our less-actives came to church yesterday, and it's hard to get things done because everyone wants to talk to us so much. It's an awesome problem to have. 

Speaking of the ward and how awesome they are, we saw the biggest miracle this week. Last week we were worrying a lot about whether we would have enough money for food and such this week. We bought just a few things at the store to sort of get us through the week but Heavenly Father does not let his missionaries go hungry. haha you wouldn't believe how much random food came to us through the members and people we teach. After a lesson with the Carters, a less active family, Sister Carter randomly asked if we wanted some of her homemade grape jelly so we were like, "heck yeah" so she gave us that and then proceeded to fill a box full of apples, jelly and zucchini. The next day, sister Hensley stopped by and randomly gave us a TON of food from her house. On Friday, we taught the Carters again and she filled another box full of food and then on Saturday at the end of the day Sister Cook called us and told us she had a whole extra crock pot of roast and asked us if we wanted it so of course we said YES and she also gave us rolls and cookies. Now we have so much food that I don't even know what to do with myself. ITS AWESOME! I even took a picture and that's not even half of the food we got. holy cow we are blessed!
I have a ton of pictures from this week! It was great! We did a lot of tracting, and I keep walking past these mailboxes in a trailer park in our area and I had to get a pic. There are literally like 50 something mailboxes there. I call this picture: Mail Model
This week was also one for the books because I got my first Washington rain!!!! WOOOOO!!! I had to take a pic of that moment. I almost cried. It has been raining ever since and I love it. I'm also a lil cold but that's because I'm a little AZ baby.
​Another thing that was not very funny at the time but now it's hilarious is Sister Johnson and I went to the church to eat dinner so that we could save miles on our car so when we were leaving, we accidentally left the church/ car keys in the kitchen and got stuck in a little mud room corridor in the church. Luckily the Elders came and saved us and we later found out that Sisters aren't even allowed to be in the church alone anyway. Not fair. Maybe it's a good idea though? lol I call this pic: Trapped in the House of the Lord
I got to sing at the Come See for Yourself fireside yesterday!! It was one of the most amazing things I've done. The room was full of investigators and missionaries and I could see all my investigators in the congregation. I felt the spirit so strongly as I sand " I Stand All Amazed" and I felt like I was teaching as I sang. I can't even explain it. It was so cool. People came up to me after and told me how I had touched their hearts and missionaries were telling me how much their investigators liked it. I was so humbled to be able to sing and feel the immeasurable love that our Heavenly Father has for all of these people who are learning more about the gospel and gaining their own testimonies of the truth of it. Crazy awesome stuff. We were so pumped after the fireside so we took a quick happy picture together. yay.
I know the Lord loves us so much. Every day I talk to and teach people, the more and more I see that. We are so blessed. I love you all!!

Love, Sister K

P.S. We met this lady while tracting and she showed us her humungo sunflower and so we asked if we could take a picture but she wouldn't get out of the shot but I'm glad I got a pic of her she was hilarious.

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