Monday, August 17, 2015

August 17, 2015 Hello, Hello, Hello!

​I have realized that I haven't told you all much about Arlington. Just that it is a lil hotter than I thought it would be. Luckily, it is starting to rain a lot more and it is a lot cooler! not sure how this AZ queen B is gonna survive when winter comes along, but I will cope. Arlington is hilarious. It is a small town but nobody here thinks it is. I feel like a city girl coming from Mesa, Arizona and its not even all that city-ish.
To give you a little idea of this small town called Arlington, I saw the front page article in the news the other day and I laughed out loud. The front page story was about how they moved a beaver. hahaha there's a picture and everything. There's something about the statement "BEAVER MOVED" that makes me so happy to see it on the front page of a newspaper.
Another thing about Arlington, and I'm guessing most of Washington, is that we get fog! It's super cool and the picture doesn't do it much justice but It was sweet driving through it to church yesterday.
I love making Sister Johnson laugh, and a sure- fire way to do that is whenever we pass this sign. The sign reads:

 The first time we passed the sign I said, "WHO'S GONNA BUY A 350 DOLLAR VANILLA LATTE?!?"  now everytime we pass it I say something like "oh look, they still haven't sold that $350 vanilla latte" or "Wow can't believe nobody wants to buy a $350 dollar vanilla latte" Sister Johnson gives me a good reaction so I don't think that joke will get old any time soon.
We were tracting this week and came across a house with this on the front porch. I was super excited to see who would answer it and was surprised to find that it was an old, white man. I told him I liked his sign and he told us he wasn't interested. Awesome experience.
So many of you at home know that I like to look for what I call "Second coming clouds". This name refers to clouds I see that look like Jesus could be coming down from heaven in them. I find a ton of second coming clouds here. It was a lot more fun in AZ when it was a little more rare to even find clouds in the sky, let alone a second coming cloud. Still super pretty though. Here's a second coming cloud I found this week
​Random pic: Sister J and Sister K selfie waitin for a lesson at the church building
​As weird as Arlington is with it's vast fields of green and corn, I love it! I am definitely blessed to be here.
HAHA so if you read my last email, you would have read about my little bee sting incident. WELL, let me tell ya, I must be super sweet or something because I was a quick stick away from another bee sting this week. We went back to THE SAME COTTAGE HOUSE, and knocked on THE SAME COTTAGE HOUSE DOOR, and a bee straight up flew in my hair and got stuck in there. It was hilarious because when we pulled up to the house, I saw someone inside and I think they went upstairs once they saw us coming but we knocked anyway and when the bee flew in my hair, I started jumping and flipping my hair like crazy for like 3 minutes straight because the dang thing wouldn't get outta there so we probably looked like a bunch of loons jumping around and screaming because there was a bee in my hair. Sister Johnson's comment "I think it's trying to sting you" did not help the cause. Funny stuff. Probably wont go back. Satan even works with bees I guess. HE WORKS WITH MOSQUITOS AND SPIDERS TOOO!! The other night we had a lesson at the park with one of our investigators and we started to get attacked by mosquitos but luckily, the spirit was there. haha our investigator started to scratch his back against the wood beam and he looked like a bear.. super funny. We also were going to bed last night and found a bunch of baby spiders hangin out in our kitchen and we freaked out. Crazy stuff.

We went back to the Alpaca house and we got a lesson with the people there! They are the sweetest older couple and the wife is less-active and the husband is not a member. THIS LADY WAS SO SWEET. She had a huge box full of these scarfs that she makes for fun and told us to take a bunch home with us. I modeled them for you all to get the full effect of these beauties. People give us presents all the time. I think they like us here.
oops! almost forgot! my favorite scarf!


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