Monday, April 25, 2016

April 25, 2016 Booted

Drum roll pleassseeeeee... IM GETTIN TRANSFERRED!! Woo! haha I'm so sad. I find out where I'm goin and who I'm goin with tomorrow at 3pm. Pray for me. Man I seriously love the people I get to teach and meet on my mission. I am sad that I won't be here for Michelle or Rodger's baptisms but apparently they need someone else over here right now. haha I am so happy every day that I have been able to serve and meet so many amazing people. On to the next area and the next set of 1000 new BFFs! This week was a great way to end my days here in Mount Vernon though. 
First of all, we hit our goal that we set for ourselves the first week of our companionship of hitting standards every week of our companionship! I think before that my longest streak of hitting standards was 3 or 4 weeks in a row. Because this transfer was extra long, We were able to end our companionship having hit standards every single week! That's 13 weeks now! WE ARE SO BLESSED I DONT GET IT. The Lord loves us for sure and really loves the people here. The best part about it was that we had Stake conference this Saturday and Sunday and our President and a member of the Seventy were there. President Bonham and the Seventy were talking to us and President started bragging about how we had the longest streak of standards in the mission. Good times for sure. 

Okay now that I am done bragging here's the rest of my week:
TAMARA GOT BAPTIZED!! I love this girl so much words cannot even describe how sad I am to leave her and the whole Axthelm family. It was a special day for sure because it was also her Birthday and her older brother got home from his mission in Japan that same day. CRAZY!! very happy day! 

Some funny stories from this week that I wish I could tell you all in person because I don't really know how to write these stories down to give them their full effect but here we go:

Funny Story #1-We have these two investigators named Dan and Terry that live in an assisted living home that have told us a thousand times that they want to come to church. They are so sweet. They live a block away so we told them that we would show up every Sundaymorning to walk with them. We go every Sunday and they always give us a lame excuse. This Sunday we went to pick them up and we convinced Dan to come because church was later due to stake conference. So we walked with him to the church. Dan is a solid guy, like a big, tall, gentle giant and he has this problem where he literally is always bending halfway over like the hunchback of Notre Dame and can't see where he is walking. The whole time we were walking to the church we were just corralling him to the sidewalk and making sure he didn't run into the road. We get to church and sit in the front (bad idea). Dan was falling asleep through the whole thing then asked where the bathroom was so I told him and he got up and we watched for a second as he tried to go into the bishop's office but luckily a nice man at the door showed him where it was. As we sat there for a while I looked over and saw him standing there staring at us all the way across the whole chapel (mind you there were a thousand people there because it was stake conference). I quickly got up and took him over to sit by us again. As the meeting went on, he got up to put a hymn book away without looking where he was going and trampled over a woman and her two kids walking by at the same time. The meeting ended and we started to walk home with him. For some reason he was walking SO SO FAST. We didn't know what to do. We were like running next to him because he was just booking it. I signaled to Sister Nelson to get on the other side of him and box him in so that he wouldn't kill himself by running into traffic. It was seriously like a video game because there were hilarious obstacles on the sidewalk. There were trees drooping over the sidewalk and he kept hitting his face against them and we were just saying "Slow down Dan!". He would not slow down and then we got to three straight up piles of rocks just hangin out in the middle of the pathway and we shouted "DAN WATCH OUT THERE ARE ROCKS IN THE ROAD!" and then he just trampled through them and almost fell over. After another minute of running he starts slowing down and says " I think I need to take a break for a second" and as he starts to try to sit down he just straight nose dives it for the pavement and then curls up in a ball. We were so confused and it was just such a crazy situation we didn't know what to do and luckily our relief society president and her husband start pulling over to help us and they drove us the rest of the way. We got him home and as we started to leave he says "Yeah, I want to come next week too". Now we don't know what we got ourselves into but luckily I'm out of here so Sister Nelson can figure that one out. haha craziest Sunday of my life. Glad he got to come to church though!

Funny Story #2-We were walking and saw this lady walking her dog and I freaked out because her dog was a bassett hound and I was just like "OH MY GOSH I LOVE YOUR DOG!" and then she says "Don't get too close ladies, I've got the swine flu" What the hecky?? I didn't even know people could still get that?? We got in the car and just busted up forever.

Funny Story #3- We were thinking about how funny it would be if our walks to church with Dan and Terry turned into a Hot Rod situation where a bunch of people just started joining in with us turning into a huge parade of people marching to church to the tune of "We're not gonna live in silence, we're not gonna live with fear, ooooooohhhh oooooooohhhh" 

Funny Story #4- Last night Sister Nelson and I celebrated 13 weeks of standards by drinking grape martinelli's, playing card games, and listening to a Negro Spirituals CD we got from Gwen. It was like we lived in an old retirement home. Maybe we will join Dan and Terry there sometime soon.

Funny Story #5- We are teaching some people that told me that they were all talking about how funny my last name is and they said that there is a weird pastry called "Krummkaka" that they are going to make for me tonight because it's my last night here. haha I love this place.

Funny Story #6- Taco Bell didn't even try to make my tostada look somewhat decent.
Funny Story #7- Sister Nelson and I volunteered to do a talent in the ward talent show this week. lol. Sister Nelson's mom sent her a rainbow ribbon twirler in the mail so we decided that I would sing somewhere over the rainbow while she danced with the rainbow twirler. It was hilarious and now the ward is obsessed with us. I hate that I am leaving right now. There was also a little girl drawing portraits for her talent so I got one done. Looks just like me.
So I am way sad to leave Mount Vernon and WAY WAY sad to leave my dear Sister Nelson. We work so well together and I love her so much. Everyone in the ward says that they love the two of us together and they don't want us split up. I DON'T EITHER!! We also said goodbye to our favorite soon to be missionaries, Emilie and David. I LOVE THEM.
Said goodbye to my favorite woman ever-Gwen. The legend. Words cannot describe my love for her. She wanted me to ask mom if she could adopt me as one of her grandchildren. I told her she should be okay with that. Hope that's alright mom.
Lastly, here is my last Mount Vernon second coming cloud. I will really miss this place and tears will be falling from my cheeks just as the rain falls from these gray clouds in Washington. lol. 
​PRAY FOR ME! PRAY FOR SISTER NELSON! I love you all and pray for you often. Say your prayers and remember who you are!
Sister Krummenacher

Monday, April 18, 2016

April 18, 2016 All Ova the Place Week

Hey ya Ding Dongs! 
Guess who's sad about possibly leaving another area she loves?? This squirrel! haha this is the last week of this transfer and I have been here for 3 transfers already so there's a good chance I'll get the boot. Who knows though.. President is a sneaky one. I will let you all knownext Monday. So this week.. what did I even do? 
We helped clean the church Saturday morning and went through the archives of the church building. We found some sweet stuff like this heart wrenching film:
We also found some old youth dance cards and a bunch of old Young Women stuff. I'm sure this mirror once hung high in the YW room. Now it's collecting dust and dreams have died.
You're a ghost Harry.
This Sunday was so sad but also so great because a bunch of investigators and non-members came to church, we had a billion kids show up to mission prep, and we taught Tamara her last lesson before her baptism on Tuesday! It was sad because my dearest friend Emilie is leaving on her mission in a week and this was her last time coming to mission prep :( She is going to be amazing. Look out Salt Lake! All you people who ain't mormon yet better hide yo kids and hide yo wives cuz she baptizin' everybody out there. 
Love my mission prep crew
We had a zone conference this week about creative finding and how we could think of new ways to find people to teach. This weekend was the annual Mount Vernon Street fair so we thought that would be the perfect opportunity to go chat up some people and find those who are ready to hear the gospel. We definitely talked to a lot of people! I also met this fairy! She was so cute!
​There were these guys holding these signs and screaming at people going by and it was CRAZY. Maybe we should try doing this next time.
​you heard it here folks, "turn to Jesus or BURN IN HELL!!!!"
Probably not the best approach.
Look at the poor kid that has to stand by his parents while they scream and yell at people and there's corn dogs the size of TEXAS just a couple feet away. 
So close, but yet so far..

We found this really cute "Little Free Library" thing in front of someone's house
Had to..
​Downtown Mount Vernon is super cute. We are going there today to just window shop and stuff. We were there a lot this week because of the festivities so we took some pics at this cute wall we found.

Speaking of baptisms, Tamara is getting baptized on Tuesday! I love her! Life is good in Mount Vernon :)
Something to pray for:
Michelle and Rodger are two of our awesome investigators who really want to get baptized. The only thing that is holding both of them back is the Word of Wisdom. Please pray for them! I love them a lot! 

So this week wasn't super eventful but it's always a good time. I love it here. I love the people, I love the things I learn every day, I love my companion, I love the areas I have served in, I almost even love the rain. I also love all of you :) 
Reeses Peaces
Sis K

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

April 11, 2016 The Cat, Churros & Dirt

HEYYYY!!! This week was GRRRRRRREAT! (Tony da Tiga) 
It started with us buying cat food on Pday in case we saw That Cat again. 35 cents, Big Spendas $$$ So turns out That Cat showed up and we had a blast and a half. Never loved a cat so much in my life. This is what a mission does to you.
We went out to lunch with the District. There's a cute little burger shop across from the Food Bank that we tried out. We are now in love. This is excluding two of the Elders. Our District is HUMUNGO. 
This week we were way blessed by talking with EVERYONE. We went to go contact a couple of referrals the other day. As we were walking, a nice Hispanic man was walking towards us with a big cooler and a bunch of stuff he was carrying so we asked him if we could help and he couldn't understand us so he stopped, opened up the cooler, and inside were A THOUSAND CHURROS. hahaha He just kept asking "Churro?", "Churro?", "Churro?". We were so confused so we just took some and went on our way. Blessings for talking with everyone I guess.
Another blessing of talking with everyone this week was when we were heading out of our apartment one day and our neighbor across the street was doing some yard work so we asked her if she wanted any help and she said she had a huge wisteria that was taking over her fence. We told her we would love to get a group together to go take the thing down because let me tell ya, this thing had overtaken everything. She started to tell us all about how beautiful the tree was when it was younger and in bloom but that it had just completely taken over her chain-link fence over the years making it impossible for her to remove it herself. She was worried that her fence would soon be overtaken by this huge tree. We went over to help her with some members and the Elders and spent a while digging, weeding, whacking, clipping, tugging, sweating, singing, breathing heavily, untangling, and sawing away at this big wisteria. As we were working, I started to think about how this wisteria could easily resemble sin and it's powerful hold it can have on us. I thought of the story of Alma and his conversion story. He says: 
 17 And it came to pass that as I was thus racked with torment, while I was harrowed up by the memory of my many sins, behold, I remembered also to have heard my father prophesy unto the people concerning the coming of one Jesus Christ, a Son of God, to atone for the sins of the world. 
18 Now, as my mind caught hold upon this thought, I cried within my heart: O Jesus, thou Son of God, have mercy on me, who am in the gall of bitterness, and am encircled about by the everlasting chains of death.

Alma felt the weight of his sins and knew of Jesus Christ, who would come and essentially untangle him from the wisteria that would soon overtake him.
Alma continues and says:

19 And now, behold, when I thought this, I could remember my pains no more; yea, I was harrowed up by the memory of my sins no more.
 20 And oh, what joy, and what marvelous light I did behold; yea, my soul was filled with joy as exceeding as was my pain!
 21 Yea, I say unto you, my son, that there could be nothing so exquisite and so bitter as were my pains. Yea, and again I say unto you, my son, that on the other hand, there can be nothing so exquisite and sweet as was my joy.

This woman, as we were leaving just kept thanking us and saying how relieved she was to have the wisteria out of her yard and untangled from her fence. I love being a missionary and seeing the Atonement of Jesus Christ work in the lives of those I meet. I know that Jesus Christ came to this earth and has given us the opportunity to be freed of the weight of sin and sorrows. I LOVE HIM! I love his Gospel and I know it is true.
We also got fried chicken and potato salad from her so not a bad deal. 
​ Love you all!! Have a great week! 
Sister Krummenicker-bocker

April 4, 2016 Tulips, Talks, and Teaching

Hey people! This week was awesome! Right after emailing last Monday we all went to the Tulip Festival! woooooo!!!!! That place is so pretty and God is REAL. I also love my district. They all call me mom probably because I trained most of the Sisters and because I'm the oldest. (also probably because I'm the queen) Consider these my children. Proud mama here. Also notice the awkward distance between Elder Redd and I. hahaha.
This week I got super sick lol. Haven't been sick since the dark ages so I forgot how sucky it is. Luckily it lasted only a few days but I couldn't help but think about how I just wanted my mommy to tuck me into bed and make me drink my gatorade. All is well now so no worries.

So guess what week it was?? GEN CON 2K16 BABY!!!!!!! WOOT WOOT!!!! hahahaha so all of the missionaries go to the stake center for conference or you can go to a member's home so we kinda did both. The Barrett family (they are the greatest) invited us and Rodger over to watch a session with them so that was super nice. Love these people.
hahaha okay so Rodger looks like he wants to die in this pic but I swear he had a good time hahahahaha gotta love Rodger. He is seriously the nicest man ever. He is progressing so much and is super excited about the gospel. Love that guy. 
The church has a cat now. This cat started hanging around on Saturday and on Sunday it kept trying to come in to watch conference or something. I am usually not a cat fan but this cat is my homie. We named it "That Cat". Look at how chill it is.
Other adventures this week included hangin out with Tamaras mop head chicken,
And being held hostage by Katey on the trampoline. 
​I hope you all enjoyed conference as much as I did! This church is true! How could it not be with our prophet and his apostles to lead and guide it. I loved Elder Holland's talk when he said 
"Heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow, and forever" (or something close to that..)
It is true though. I love the gospel, I love being a missionary, and I love you! HAve a great week!
Gossip Squirrel

March 28, 2016 Easter Bunny Foo Foo

Hey you guys! Happy stinkin Easter! Here's what happened this week:
So it wasn't a very eventful week actually.. We taught a lot of people and we hit standards for the 9th week in a row now! woo!! Just a buncha blessings. 

On Tuesday's we go to the downtown Mount Vernon Food Bank and on Thursday's we go to the downtown Mount Vernon Friendship house which is like a homeless shelter. Do you know what this means? We are BFFs with every single homeless person in Mount Vernon. haha It is great. They all love us so much and we get some good laughs every week. Very interesting people. It is also kind of a miracle that I saw this week though! Everyone knows that we are the Mormons and they all light up when they see us. So many people thank us for helping out so much. Someone the other day said "Yay! It's the Sisters again!". Someone at the Friendship House wanted to know how much longer we would be here in Mount Vernon because we are always so smiley and sweet. Whenever we are downtown we know like more than half of the people now. The miracle in this is that so many people love the Mormons now! haha we hear so many weird things from people like "I heard mormons can't eat mayonnaise". Love this place.
This Thursday while we were at the Friendship House Sister Nelson and I found some sweet threads:
Miracle #2: I tried on this fab green jacket and found $21 in the pocket. #blessed We hid the money in a pair of gloves. Happy day for a homeless guy for sure.
We pulled up to a house we were going to visit the other night and the little girl was outside so I rolled the window down to ask her if her parents were home and this FAT DOG jumped outta NOWHERE to hang out with us. haha scared the heck out of me. 
​Haven't done one of these in so long but the weather has been the devil for the past 5 months so the heavens are finally opening again and this week I saw a second coming cloud! Life is good over here now. SO HAPPY!
Now for the moment you've all been waiting for: (jk there's probably like 3 of you who read these)
Happy Easter everyone! It was so good! 4 investigators came to church and 2 of them bore their testimonies! It was great! We had dinner with the Crandall family who always hooks it up with fab food. They are also hilarious. Great Easter dinner. After dinner we went to the Axthelm family's house and dyed eggs with Tamara and the rest of the kiddos! Very different Easter from what I'm used to at home but I loved it. With holidays like Christmas and Easter on my mission, all that I get to do is help other people focus on what we are really celebrating. My perspective on these days is completely different now. I love my Savior. I feel closer to him as I learn more and more about him especially on holidays that are all about him. Because of Easter we have been talking a lot about how we can live again because of Christ. ITS THE BEST!!!! and its so true. Missions are great. 
My gurl Tamara
Well it's been real homies. Have a great week and read your scriptures. Good stuff in those things man.
sEASTER krummenacher