Hey people! This week was awesome! Right after emailing last Monday we all went to the Tulip Festival! woooooo!!!!! That place is so pretty and God is REAL. I also love my district. They all call me mom probably because I trained most of the Sisters and because I'm the oldest. (also probably because I'm the queen) Consider these my children. Proud mama here. Also notice the awkward distance between Elder Redd and I. hahaha.
This week I got super sick lol. Haven't been sick since the dark ages so I forgot how sucky it is. Luckily it lasted only a few days but I couldn't help but think about how I just wanted my mommy to tuck me into bed and make me drink my gatorade. All is well now so no worries.
So guess what week it was?? GEN CON 2K16 BABY!!!!!!! WOOT WOOT!!!! hahahaha so all of the missionaries go to the stake center for conference or you can go to a member's home so we kinda did both. The Barrett family (they are the greatest) invited us and Rodger over to watch a session with them so that was super nice. Love these people.
hahaha okay so Rodger looks like he wants to die in this pic but I swear he had a good time hahahahaha gotta love Rodger. He is seriously the nicest man ever. He is progressing so much and is super excited about the gospel. Love that guy.
The church has a cat now. This cat started hanging around on Saturday and on Sunday it kept trying to come in to watch conference or something. I am usually not a cat fan but this cat is my homie. We named it "That Cat". Look at how chill it is.
Other adventures this week included hangin out with Tamaras mop head chicken,
And being held hostage by Katey on the trampoline.
I hope you all enjoyed conference as much as I did! This church is true! How could it not be with our prophet and his apostles to lead and guide it. I loved Elder Holland's talk when he said
"Heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow, and forever" (or something close to that..)
It is true though. I love the gospel, I love being a missionary, and I love you! HAve a great week!
Gossip Squirrel
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