Wednesday, April 13, 2016

March 28, 2016 Easter Bunny Foo Foo

Hey you guys! Happy stinkin Easter! Here's what happened this week:
So it wasn't a very eventful week actually.. We taught a lot of people and we hit standards for the 9th week in a row now! woo!! Just a buncha blessings. 

On Tuesday's we go to the downtown Mount Vernon Food Bank and on Thursday's we go to the downtown Mount Vernon Friendship house which is like a homeless shelter. Do you know what this means? We are BFFs with every single homeless person in Mount Vernon. haha It is great. They all love us so much and we get some good laughs every week. Very interesting people. It is also kind of a miracle that I saw this week though! Everyone knows that we are the Mormons and they all light up when they see us. So many people thank us for helping out so much. Someone the other day said "Yay! It's the Sisters again!". Someone at the Friendship House wanted to know how much longer we would be here in Mount Vernon because we are always so smiley and sweet. Whenever we are downtown we know like more than half of the people now. The miracle in this is that so many people love the Mormons now! haha we hear so many weird things from people like "I heard mormons can't eat mayonnaise". Love this place.
This Thursday while we were at the Friendship House Sister Nelson and I found some sweet threads:
Miracle #2: I tried on this fab green jacket and found $21 in the pocket. #blessed We hid the money in a pair of gloves. Happy day for a homeless guy for sure.
We pulled up to a house we were going to visit the other night and the little girl was outside so I rolled the window down to ask her if her parents were home and this FAT DOG jumped outta NOWHERE to hang out with us. haha scared the heck out of me. 
​Haven't done one of these in so long but the weather has been the devil for the past 5 months so the heavens are finally opening again and this week I saw a second coming cloud! Life is good over here now. SO HAPPY!
Now for the moment you've all been waiting for: (jk there's probably like 3 of you who read these)
Happy Easter everyone! It was so good! 4 investigators came to church and 2 of them bore their testimonies! It was great! We had dinner with the Crandall family who always hooks it up with fab food. They are also hilarious. Great Easter dinner. After dinner we went to the Axthelm family's house and dyed eggs with Tamara and the rest of the kiddos! Very different Easter from what I'm used to at home but I loved it. With holidays like Christmas and Easter on my mission, all that I get to do is help other people focus on what we are really celebrating. My perspective on these days is completely different now. I love my Savior. I feel closer to him as I learn more and more about him especially on holidays that are all about him. Because of Easter we have been talking a lot about how we can live again because of Christ. ITS THE BEST!!!! and its so true. Missions are great. 
My gurl Tamara
Well it's been real homies. Have a great week and read your scriptures. Good stuff in those things man.
sEASTER krummenacher 

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