Elder Cochran looks like a dad:
Found a lion:
They all said to look angry for my camera. RUDE.
Tracting memoriez from this week:
"wow! look at this view!"
Our new district is HUGE!! President decided to add the Spanish missionaries to the English districts so now we have 6 companionships in our district. Its like a zone meeting every Wednesday. Speaking of Zone meetings, I gave my first instruction! Super fun and I was all alone up there but I ain't dead so holla. My topic was on "Deep Desire".. lol what? It was about having a deep desire to do missionary work but to me it sounded like a perfume so I literally taught about how we should put our deep desire perfume/ cologne on every day. Good times.
Haha speaking of lessons, an older couple in our ward teaches Gospel Principles and the lesson last week was on the Holy Ghost. You know how people bring pictures to put on the table to look nice for their lessons? So this couple straight up brought a clear sheet of paper and put it on an easel to represent the holy ghost. haha Sister Nelson and I thought that was hilarious. Love this ward.
Haha crazy story that I don't want to type up so I'm stealing this from Sis. Nelson's Email:
So as a preface the elders called us on wednesday night and told us of this crazy lady they met (said her mom was adele, had a demon inside of her, she had to kill three people, was a hooker, and all this other stuff) every time they tried to get away she would break down in tears so they were trapped for a while they ended up giving her a towel and socks!
Fast forward 12 hours me and sister k are volunteering at the friendship house (we stay in a basement for 2 hours and sort clothes and help people find clothes) This lady comes in and is literally crazy (we come to later find out its the same lady) here is a list of crazy things she did:
1. told me she stole her sister demon and now has to hurt three people
2. told me her daughter who is 10 ran away and eloped with a 40 year old man'
3. found a weird box with a knitted male something and said it was art and starte dto cry
4. rapped with added cuss words every 5 seconds
5. changed in front of us like completly changed
6. put of a size 10 jeans when she was clearly a size 24 minimum (they wouldnt even zip up)
7. got trapped in a bra which I had to help her out of (AHHHHH SO GROSS I BARFED)
We kept telling her her time was up to shop and finally an older lady came down to switch us. We stayed so the lady wouldnt be alone with the crazy. When the crazy was finally ready to go she started to like say this incantation about light to dark and then she tried to flick both me and sister k and then she was like "why cant i touch yo WHY CANT I TOUCH YOU" Then she flicked the other lady actually and then started to cuss her out a man came down a dragged her out it was kinda scary but heavenly father was clearly protecting us! It make for a great story! She also screamed both of our real names on her way out so it was freaky haha crazy stuff.
In Investigator news, we have a billion. It's crazy out here. But we found one investigator recently who is seriously so prepared. We were about to go home one night and felt like we should just knock on one more door. We knocked and out came Roger, the golden investigator! We teach him 3 times a week and he has come to church every Sunday since we met him. lol It's only been 2 weeks. I love him. He is getting baptized on the 23rd of April. Sister Nelson and I have hit standards every week of our companionship so far! The Lord is blessing us so much. Thanks for all your prayers for our success. They are working!
We are still teaching Michelle and the only thing that is keeping her from baptism and the greatest happiness ever is quitting smoking. This Tuesday we are teaching her the Quit Smoking Program so if you could all pray for Michelle that would be fantastic! I LOVE HER!
We are teaching a man named James and he calls himself Brother James. He is my favorite. He sends us the funniest texts all the time. Recently he sent this:
" It was my birthday yesterday, you know what I miss is having a walk with someone and holding hands, and just talking about something interesting. Just to be together a walk on the beach or a walk on a nice night. Just doesn't happen too much anymore... Some people just miss the little things in life -Brother James"
I'm in love with these people haha.
This week's Elder Cochran shenanigans: So Elder Cochran (we call him Elder Cockroach) apparently rode motorcycles before the mish so last week Sister Nelson and I found a toy motorcycle in a free box on the street that has a button on it and when you press it, this burly man says "RIDE TO LIVE, LIVE TO RIDE!" haha its great. We told him we had a present for him but we still haven't told him what it is yet but all week the other sisters and us have been sending him a text right at 9:30 that says "ride to live, live to ride." and then we act like we never sent it. It has been driving him insane all week and today we are finally giving him the motorcycle. We made a cardboard cockroach and put it on it. We think we are hilarious. I'll let you know how he takes it.
Love you!! Do good things and go help out your local missionaries! BYEE!!
Sister Blisters
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