Wednesday, April 13, 2016

March 21, 2016 Record Breakerz

Thanks for all the hump day Congratulations! Its been a fun ride. It's all downhill from here. lol jk but seriously I don't know if missionary work could be more bumpin than it has been this past week. It has been a week of miracles! Sister Nelson and I hit a new mission record this week! The last record for lessons with members at them was 20 in one week which was just hit a few weeks ago by another set of sisters and Sister Nelson and I this week were like "hey, I bet we could get 20 member present lessons!" Turns out that the Lord loves us and we were able to get 21 member present lessons this week and beat the last record! We also hit standards for the 8th week in a row together! We found 3 new investigators within a few houses of each other in an hour, and in total taught 33 lessons this week. MIRACLES!! Thank you thank you thank you Heavenly Father! I am studying humility and pride this week to make sure it doesn't get to my head. haha I know the Lord blesses us tremendously when we show him our faith and desire to do what he would have us do. I know he wanted us to teach all those people this week and I felt the Spirit strongly with us in every lesson we taught. Wow, I love it here.
 We were very very very busy this week (see above^^) so please excuse the lack of a lot of good pics this week. I'm sure last week's email makes up for it.
We gave Elder Cochran his motorcycle on Monday and he almost started crying he loved it so much. Good times. I love my district. 
On Sunday we went to a missionary fireside with Tamara! She is getting baptized on the 19th! I love her!! 
So we have a woman we are teaching who has the cutest baby ever and we can't even hold him because of lame mission rules (worst rule of all time and still a lil peeved about it) but she had one of those grabber things so I played with him from a good distance. No rules broken. Phew! that was a close one!
Found a cute tire swing while we were out preachin. This place is so pretty this time of year! Spring has sprung! The birds are chirping! and The tulips are in bloom! I'm the luckiest missionary ever to be right where the tulips are right at the time when the festival is happening. SO BLESSED.
We made these cute little Easter treats for our investigators this week and we were way proud of them. Send me an email telling me how cute they are right now. They are adorable and perfect.
Ride to live, live to ride.
Rodger, our golden Investigator is doing great as always and came to church again! He is excited for his baptism and we are all pumped. Keep Michelle in your prayers please! I love her! I love you all! Have a great week!!
Sister Becky Boop

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